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  1. M

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hihi mummies... Did anyone take newborn photography services? Any recommendations?
  2. M

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Chummy mummy, did the doctor say why he wants to induce labour?
  3. M

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Oh wow Euniz, labor is impending...! Never heard of cervix stretch before... All the best n good luck!!!
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Congratulations mamas Jouline n bubblenest!
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hi mummies, for those who did not use epidural for natural labor. Can I ask how was it? I m considering natural with no epi but am abit worried if I could take the pain.....
  6. M

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hi hi mummies... Sorry have been mia for long time... Am now at 36 weeks, 4 more weeks to go! Btw, just to check, what tests do your gynaes perform around this time? So far, I have only been doing urine test n blood pressure tests during my visits. And at my last visit doctor says I have high...
  7. M

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Bless3d: and i hope everything will turn out well for you. Don't worry...
  8. M

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Bless3d, I can totally understand how you feel! I feel annoyed too at work when everyone is asking around (asking everyone except me) whether I m pregnant, making guesses etc... ( I know cos one of my close colleague told me). N when I am eating something at the pantry, they make remarks like...
  9. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hello ladies! N hello Ebelle! Happy to meet you too. :) Bulk purchase shopping spree sounds very very good :)) Keep me updated when you are organizing one! My parents in law lives in Canada but I m not sure it's as cheap as in US due to the strong Canadian dollar... After conversion might not...
  10. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hello ibisco, hope you are feeling better today.... Actually I dont have a huge appetite.... :) I just get hungry fast... N i get full very quickly too...But if I continue even when I feel full I get sick... But no throwing up yet... *fingers crossed*
  11. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hello alag! Not really... I don't have much time to take small meals cos quite busy at work usually.. So I tend to take 3 regular meals but get hungry before meal times....
  12. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Lol... Me too gaining some weight cos no ms... N getting hungry easily.... N I m not small to start with... So hopefully I don't gain too much weight.... :001_07:
  13. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    I don't know why the system keep changing my words... :(
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    EDD Apr 2013

    Oscar test involves a blood test n a NT test ( measuring the amount of fluid behind the fetus' neck) Normally done at week 12...
  15. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Opps... Sorry! My post is full of typo error hehe.. I meant v(aginal) scan.... N high risk of ds.... (down sym)
  16. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Oh dear Littlebluecinders, do take care! Try not to have an empty stomach. I find that I tend to feel weak in general n nauseous when I have an empty stomach. Yes, my gynae also mentioned that taking the prenatal suppplements during first trimester might trigger ms in some pple.. Hi Xiuxiu...
  17. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Thanks Littlebluecinders ! :) how many weeks are u? N when's yr edd? 1 week will pass quickly so hang in there! :) Lucky you... Your mum can take good care of you then :)
  18. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    :)) thanks!!
  19. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Welcome ibisco n euniz! :)
  20. M

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hello! Pigletbao, Littlebluecinders, autumn fall : my scan went well today. Saw the bb's heartbeat!! It's amazing :) n saw the amniotic sac n the yolk sac too. :) Autumn fall, I am 6wks n edd 2nd may. My gynae is LC Foong n his clinic is at Gleneagles. Thomson is too far for me so I chose...