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  1. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hello ladies... I had my checkup done tis afternoon at 4pm.. Am at 38weeks 7days. Doc says im 3cm dilated... And he did a stretch to my cervix, to try n start the labour..And told me admit to delivery suite to come tmrw mrng where dey gg to burst the waterbag. Am not reli sure why.. But does...
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Congrats girl!!!! Do share us your experience pls!!!
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Congrats LYNN!! Kudos to the No epidural :)
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Any of u been gettin menstrual like cramps?? I've been having it the past 2days. Its painful but it come and goes.. Am already 37weeks 3days.. Shld i be worried? Or just ignore will do?
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hello Alag.. Do add me pls Euniz Ria
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Congrats ICydragon!!!! Rest well!!!
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Congrats Autummfall!!!! Finally the first april baby is out.. :) eventhough in march... Woohoo im sooo excited... Wonder who is next!! Rest well & eat healthy food my dear..
  8. E

    EDD April 2013..cont I read abt this last nite.. So just sharing.. I like the method of swaying ur hips Side to side.. Find it very soothing. And gg on ur all fours n swaying side to side.. It made my back soooo much better... But i rather Not...
  9. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hello ladies.. Jz done with my antenatal checkup, am at 37weeks now.. No dilation check eversince my hospitalization. So am not sure if i already dilate more than 2cm or jz stagnant. Doc didnt say much... Jz informed him dat i kept having this menstrual like cramp. He said totally normal as...
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    EDD April 2013..cont

    Wah!!! U guys EDD sooo early.. My edd is 20th april.. Still super duper far :(
  11. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Cool!!! So exciting.. The wait is really killing!! Im so psyched to see my gynae tmrw. Let see if der is any change in my dilation of 2cm. So means, if ur already dilate, baby head is low n engaged?
  12. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    I so understand how u feel.. Abt wantin to ask Q but gynae always seems in a rush... Usually i just comfort myself by saying "if our mothers can do it.. So can i.." doesnt matter i have questions n no answer.. Im Sure nature will take its Course" My baby will be 36weeks this saturday.. Clock...
  13. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Im having a male gynae... He doesnt offer much info. Everytime Ask me same question "any bleeding? Any pain? If u have, make surego delivery suite straight!" Thru out my stay, my gynae nvr eben come down. On leave.. Only the labour ward doctor attended to me but dey kept changing.. So siaaan...
  14. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hi LynGoh.. May I know how many weeks ur at this wednesday? Are u dilating already?? Keep us update pls!!! Esp for Noobs like me.. At least i haf some idea.. Im super worried for the check up this friday, i be 36weeks.. in case i dilate more then 2cm, doc mite advise for hospitalization n...
  15. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hi ladies!!!! My baby edd is on 20th April 2013... Am at 35weeks 2days today. But i just got discharge ysday due to preterm labor and shingles aft 3days stay... Honestly.. I didnt even noe i was contracting cos it wasnt dat painful.. Contraction was every 2-3 mins.. Doc put me on medication...
  16. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Any of u delivering at KKH, took Dr Matthew Lau as ur Gynae from clinic D? I cant seems to find any thread on him... So far i only met him twice...
  17. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Helloo ladies.... Ive Been MIA-ing frm mummysg for so long.. It's kinda hard to follow the thread on iphone since its super small to read and ido not haf access to internet on my work comp!! Only now i realise there is mummysg apps! Thank god!! Been reading the thread, ive sure missed alot...
  18. E

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hello Tomatoning and LittleBluecinders Thank u for the warm welcome!!! & thanks for the gd info!! Im staying at wlds but my GP ia at Yishun, pidemco medical centre. Im lookin atfor a female gynae. I ever called Mt A n this lady recommend me Dr Kang wee she said dr kang is very nice, motherly...
  19. E

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hello ladies!! Am new here.. 1st time mommy to be. Pretty excited & super cluesless. Just went 4 my 2nd checkup at my GP, she confirmed baby is at 8 weeks & 2days. My EDD is 20th april. So far no bad prego symptopm. Jz light cramps. Been takin brain pill for the baby n folic acid. Read the...