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  1. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    autumnfall : Yes, can travel during pregnancy, but do be careful and don't be too tired during your vacation. Most doctors recommend to travel in 2nd tri as its the most easygoing. Take it easy, don't walk too much and remember to stop and rest. Overdoing it is no good. And alag bring up a good...
  2. E

    EDD April 2013..cont

    hi littlebluecinders - drink a mixture of warm honey and lemon. very good for soothing your throat and keeping cough away. Also high in vit C :) autumnfall - they say birdnest is really good for baby complexion. my friend's baby is so fair and nice after eating a lot of birds nest during her...
  3. E

    EDD Apr 2013

    Oh pigletbao, hope you feel better soon! I heard that Ms goes away for most people in 2nd tri. Take care!
  4. E

    EDD Apr 2013

    Hi Everyone, I am new to this forum, just joined today. Read all the interesting things on this thread that everyone has shared. As I have been trying to get pregnant for over 1 year, I researched a lot and would like to share what I know of some of the items mentioned: 1) The strip of...