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  1. X

    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi Mrsliaw, Thank you! Praise The Lord. Ryan is doing well. I believe God is watching over him. As for that CL, I want nothing to do with her. I did pray to God that she could find some conscience in her to stop her trade instead of cheating around claiming she has lots of experience. I...
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi MrsRed, I have already replied to your PM and emailed you the CL photo as to your request. Hope you have recieved. Just in case if you didnt, the hp number you mentioned is the same... Do be careful..
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Thank you Oojo & Joan..
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi Yann15, thank you. Ryan is doing fine so far. I only contact her daughter, Suek Wong. You can find her contact in this forum. She coordinates her mum's job. The two times I spoke to the CL, she was the one who contacted me. She didn't ask us to address her 'Ying 姐' but as Aunty Ying. If...
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi 3mum & paulinepoh80, Thank you for the prayer & good wishes. 3mum, I had made a deposit and I asked for the refund. The husband initially disagreed.. Think the daughter still did have the conscience, she refund the balance after deducting the number of days her mum (the CL) had worked at...
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi diza, thank you. :) Ryan is doing well.. Thank God. I hope no other mummies will go thru such situation..
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Thank you Rodorsany.. :)
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi purpur, thank you. My son is fine so far. We are positive he will be alright. He is active & feeding well.. Thank God.. Thanks harrier. :) Thank you all again for the prayer made & well blessing..
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi Mrsliaw, it is difficult.. How to make her pay for her action?? Make a police report?? Even now, I am sure she is still taking in jobs.. I feel so sorry for those innocent babies.. Hi ilovebbdylan, you should ask the CL to feed on a mattress (on the floor).. The bed is unsafe too..
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    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Thanks momopeachgal & MrsLiaw.. Mrsliaw, they quoted me 1.8k to take care of baby only. I do not need her service of cooking, cleaning etc but mainly to take care of baby's needs.. Even with that expected of her only, the CL actually woke my helper up during night feeding to make milk...
  11. X

    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Thanks Jenni & madangel.. Jenni, I did find out more of her before deciding to hire her. It isn't easy to hire a CL this year, most of the better ones are already taken.. Before I confirmed her, I asked to speak with her, and as I mentioned both she & her daughter were helpful & friendly...
  12. X

    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi.. Thanks all.. They aren't from agent as what I gathered. Suek Wong is the daughter, she is ok.. She mainly coordinates her Mum's job. I didn't get her to prepare meals for me as my family provides that. Her job is solely to take care of my son.. This woman is definitely unkind.. I just...
  13. X

    Beware of this confinement lady...

    Hi all, I have been a silent reader all these while, gaining information and knowledge of parenting from this forum. Today is my first posting. I am not here to break someone else's rice bowl, but hoping what I am doing now will add more blessing for my baby son.. I gotten this confinement...