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  1. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Re: fb group Alag pls rem to add me, kekee=p million thanks!!!
  2. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    LOL... I haven't started packing my bag too!!! Wonder how to start doing it Anyway, I found this checklist from dumex website, What should I put in my hospital bag? For labour • Your birth plan •...
  3. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hmm shall we create a private group in facebook so that we could continue to encourage one another, give advices and meetups even our little angelic terrors are out?!?!?1 kekee=p Im having insomia lately... coz my baby very active at nights, alot of movements!! esp im sleeping on the sides =(...
  4. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    autumnfall... pls dun worry too much abt ur baby's position!!! U are not alone k... Mine... also in breech position at last appt, 31 weeks =) My next appt is on next mon which I will be in my 34 weeks. So kind of decided together with my hubby that if baby still in breech position then go for...
  5. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    yasumi, im attending mdm wong antenatal classes!!! she said the coconut juice rite... its NONSENSE!!! but i think i will still go ahead to start with it kekeee=p Mdm wong always emphasizing on "based on researches.... this is true/false" =p
  6. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    kekeke updated the chart!!!
  7. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hihi everyone!!! Great to hear that all is doing well... kekeke its been a long long time since I last logged in =p Anyway, just wanna share with u ladies that I went to check out that the taka bb fair is scheduled on 6 Mar onwards... think until 24/25 Mar. =p Just that still not sure if they...
  8. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hi everyone... its been quite a while since I last logged in... Hope everyone is doing GREAT!!! Thanks for all the encouragements you ladies gave me previously. Really appreciate them =) I went for my detailed scan on 22nov (scans good) and visited my gynae, Dr Goh Shen Li @ KKH on the...
  9. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Currently Im worried for my baby if he's a down... =( Got bad results from the first trimester scanning (scan was fine but not the blood test) apparently my free beta- hCG and papp-a was pretty low. hence we went to Camden Medical Centre for another detailed scan and the private doc assured me...
  10. W

    EDD April 2013..cont

    Hi everyone, im new here and also a first-time mum... My edd would be in 13 apr 2013. My first trimester was terrible... seems unable to swallow any solid food, no appittite at all. However it seems to be improving now in my second trimester. =) Anyone went for their 20week detailed scan...