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  1. berry3

    Aqua aerobics recommendation

    thank u once again pinkiliciouz for ur time organising! :) btw do you all know what's actually the diff between maternity aquarobics and normal one? last time i used to join the normal one, and still can join at my gym. but i'm scared it'll b too weird and i'll be very slow! ;p esp havent...
  2. berry3

    Aqua aerobics recommendation

    thank u Pinkliciouz :) ah, YMCA is far for us west mommies. I'm still working part time at that area for few weeks onwards, so i can make it if it is Fri morning before 12. if saturday and orchard... too far and crowded.. :( in this case if u can't make it Pinkiliciouz, the class will...
  3. berry3

    Aqua aerobics recommendation

    can ask the instructor to suggest a pool for us in west? i'm not to resourceful about this... ;)
  4. berry3

    Aqua aerobics recommendation

    okay! :) one more mummy... yay.. for me : sat - prefer 2 be in the morning sun - really cannot if morning. 3 onwards is okay.
  5. berry3

    Aqua aerobics recommendation

    hi, i'm interested! :shyxxx: i'm staying in west too and currently in my 23 week.. but need 2 know whether u want the class 2 be in afternoon/morning? n im not staying in condo.
  6. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    pinkdot : thanks.. i will ask ard.. shumum : yeah, i know that's very far, but if price is good, i dont mind the travelling and there's reason for me to shop in city too hehehe.. i will enquire them .. thanks! shoes, i'm wearing otafuku! ;) very comfy for me, anti slip too. can get those at...
  7. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    shu_mum: can i ask how much is per class? i'm interested in aquarobics too, but not sure whether there's such class in spore that's near to my home.. i stay in west area..
  8. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    hi everyone.. hope everything is well! just came back from gynea visit.. ;) i'm 14 w + today.. and we're going to have a boy! :) edd is pushed forward to 29 sept now. kinda hopping that it could b the same as my bday on 23 hehe.. every time i come to gynae, it's always coming...
  9. berry3

    when did you start putting on weight?

    hi, congrats!!! im 13w + pregnant. :D did not put on weight much since week 6 till now, only about 1 kg. but true, hip is getting bigger each week. try taking measurement mine grow like 3-4 cm per 2 week! but i think now it stop growing alrdy. cant fit to anything right now except...
  10. berry3

    what medicine did gynae give u for 1st trim?

    hi :) i take folic acid only. however i had some spotting and gynae gave me utrogestan. it's too balance ur hormone and strengthen your uterus i think...
  11. berry3

    My Son Wants to Kill Himself

    Hi dear, hope you are feeling better now... dont't give up okay!! :) if your son has asperger, the best thing is to get him to attend behavioural therapy (in school or outside). he might have problems relating with others and communication, but this can be trained, especially if it is...
  12. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    pink diamonds, congrats! do u have twin gene? that must b cool! double blessings.. :) thanks for the advice :) i'll just take the tests included in the package, but don't take anything optional like oscar test....
  13. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    wow.. so far no experience for me, quite blessed in a way that when i take mrt/bus there's always seat for me without inflicting any "fight" with others.. hehe.. quite good leh those who are willing to give up seats for pregnant lady. sometimes there are people giving it out of obligation...
  14. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    regarding test,... i'm still 23 so it's optional for me.. but i think if i go for the test i will be very2 worried knowing baby is at high/low risk of defect.. inquire this with my gynea too and she said there's nothing to be done, option is to abort or not to abort.. i guess i will...
  15. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    kittymeow.. yeah.. my bump is quite obvious too.. the worst thing about our bump in early pregnancy is that it looks like we're just fat! maybe people notice smth but they are having too much thoughts in their minds.. "is she pregnant?" "maybe if i give my seat she's offended! maybe she's...
  16. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    hi pink diamonds.. heard that if u have baby boy, it's not good to drink soy milk... for it will increase one of those feminine hormones... u can check with ur gynea for confirmation as what i heard might be old wives' tales... ;) Good day to all of mother to be!!
  17. berry3

    Can i eat durian?

    hi ! :Dancing_tongue: yes, eat only in moderation.. my mom told me that durian, cold & sweet stuffs (ice cream !!) make the baby big.. if eat too much will cause obesity for the child.. even more important to eat those in moderation if it's ur first child.. ;)
  18. berry3

    EDD in OCTOBER 2010

    HI all.. joining you in this thread.. i'm 8 w pregnant.. edd should be 7 oct according to the scan this is my first child.. im so excited and hope for smooth pregnancy for all of us.. :Dancing_tongue: for me i have less appetite to eat.. i hope it's okay for the baby.. though i have...
  19. berry3

    *anyone is looking for/started a new job while in pregnant in the early stage?

    actually i'm quite confused here as i thought maternity leave is paid by government ??? as in, the company can get govt to reimburse the leave? so they will just need to pay for the new temporary worker? that's actually happened in my previous previous workplace... few years back... not sure...
  20. berry3

    *anyone is looking for/started a new job while in pregnant in the early stage?

    actually just found out that i'm pregnant when i was serving my 1 month notice T.T (soon to end next week) was in government sector previously.. i applied for new jobs a week ago, but i don't keep my hope too high and not really looking forward for it.... probably it's the same problem...