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  1. C

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    I'm another May mummy expecting a girl! Though I hoped for a boy... but as long as baby is healthy I am more than happy.. Though I still cannot distinguish the baby movements from ligament pain etc...
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    Single mom to be....

    Jiayou ellyellie! Where are you going for the courses?
  3. C

    Single mom to be....

    Hi flowerii, My mum is probably going to help me a little in the initial months... The last time she took care of a baby was, well, when I was a baby. Haha. So I probably need to practise hands-on myself first... The antenatal class will cost $, but I'm more afraid of hurting my baby or being...
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    Single mom to be....

    Wow, I wish I could request for a few month sabbatical also! But the most I can get is another month of unpaid leave like in flowerii's case. Will try to start the ML as late as possible depending on circumstances. I will probably sign up for antenatal class in my 7th month or so, as I'm really...
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    Single mom to be....

    I'm feeling the same. Worrying about how to cope in the months ahead and knowing that the real challenge will come once baby is born. But nothing will comfort me more than knowing the little one inside is healthy. I was so close to getting an abortion last month but I backed out at the last...
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    Single mom to be....

    Hi Elly, Nice to meet you too. How are you coping? Hope everything is going along well for you!
  7. C

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Hello all! Another May 2014 mum-to-be here... EDD 20 May. My initial symptoms have somewhat subsided but I notice I'm more prone to getting sick these days (eg. flu, sensitive stomach etc) -_- Its my first pregnancy too so apprehensive but excited at the same time.
  8. C

    Single mom to be....

    Hi shersy! I'm new here... If everything goes well, my EDD will also be in May 2014. I'm also single... still together with the father but due to certain complicated circumstances, we can't get married at the moment (and may never be able to). I'm in AMK though, but feel free to PM me if you...