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  1. H

    Edd feb 2014

    Baby is 1.92kg at 32.5 weeks.... Gynae nv say abt anything. Lets hope it's water... He he
  2. H

    Edd feb 2014

    Yah... I guess I'm the only one that gained this much... Hopefully baby is absorbing the nutrients.... Or else I will have a hard time losing it all off. Weird thing is I nov consume a lot of food. Will update baby's approximate weight after visiting the gynae later in the morning... 8kg...
  3. H

    Edd feb 2014

    Hi everyone! first time in mummy forum. Guessed I joined at a very stage. :/ currently at 32 weeks. Have gained 21 kg. baby weight 1.5kg at week 29, will be seeing gynae Tom. Pregnancy was smooth, no morning sickness nor anything. Juz that I frequent toilet a lot. No cravings yet I gained a...