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  1. M

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Mine is from hospital pharmacy cos i asked doc to prescribe. Brand is Neurogain S. On the label it says "each vegetable capsule contains 765mg natural fish oil providing 383mg DHA and 23mg EPA" Costs around $36 for 30 caps (1 per day) GNC also sells many kinds but i think more expensive!
  2. M

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Hi ilovebbdylan thanks for ur reply! Did u eat anything extra during your pregnancy that's why baby is heavy? And after preg did the doc say why he is still very tall and heavy? m0m0ko Not sure if it could really be due to all the extra vitamins and nutrients from the milk powder haha but very...
  3. M

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Hello all, am new to this forum. Gotten a shock when I saw all the diff mum weight gains and baby weight! I'm 23.5wks now, gained abt 6.6kg and my baby last weighed in at 620g according to the FA scan?! Have been told since the first scanning that she's "big/tall", in the 95% now :O Gynae even...