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    Unfavourable Oscar scan result

    Hi LittleHorse, my SIL had a result of 1:3 for her first born when she was only 26 yo. She went on to do an amnio and thankfully the results were good! My nephew is now coming 3 and hes very healthy and smart! If you are concerned about the risk of miscarriage of an amnio, you can consider doing...
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    EDD August 2014

    Congrats! I am under KK too, Clinic A. Currently with Dr John Tee. Am quite happy with him now. But if your visit happens to be on a saturday, must be prepared to wait!
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    EDD August 2014

    Hi! I'm a first time mum too! Received my BFP on the 10 dec 2013. Am about 10w+ now and due on 16 Aug. Had an ultrasound done about 1w+ ago and heard beanie's heartbeat and Dr said it was moving slightly already!! Super excited! Am due for my Oscar scan on 7 feb. Anyone with KKH too??