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  1. P

    Painful nipple

    Why babies bite when we feed?? its is because of teething?
  2. P

    Is it possible to have enough breastmilk for triplets?

    Its possible supply many vitamins, drink to much fish soup.
  3. P

    drink water in the middle of night

    Its really the same situation,.than in mine..
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    Where Do You Store Your BreastMilk At?

    many use avent via cups, but super expensive :)
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    Frequent drinker

    My baby feed also every hours that's the work of baby, but what about in the night always feeding also ??
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    Overfeeding, pls help.

    I always lying down in posture for breast feeding of my baby but nothing change :)but still my supply flows the same position.
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    How to freeze EBM

    nice to know in here how to freeze EBM :)
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    Excess EBM, What to do?

    you can donate, many needed if your willing to.:001_302:
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    My story to share

    A very good dear, welcome in breastfeeding mummies, as we all know that breast feeding is the best of all full of nutrient.
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    When to stop breast massgae during Pregnancy

    I never heard this words( massage for breast)i dont do this before in my preganancy but i think its okay to massage the breast, buy why u cant be normal.
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    Breast milk + formula

    Yea its okay to mix , i mix also my baby.i latch in day and formula in evening so that she can sleep better.
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    need to clean baby's tongue?

    I think you need to clean the tongue of your baby using a small towel so that the cavities will get , maybe damage the teeth.
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    few days old baby not hungry?

    it is normal, coz new born baby need a timing to feed :0
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    manual express vs electric pump

    its on you, if whats the best fitting for you :0
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    Plz advice which formula milk is good for 5month old

    Similac Stage 1 i used for my baby when shes 5 moths old..
  16. P

    regarding breast feeding

    I would like to know more about breast feeding. Kinda worried I might not do a good job. :( 1. How many times a day do we need to breast feed a newborn baby? 2. In a day can we breast feed half the time and give them drink powered milk from milk bottles the other half the time? 3. What is the...
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    EBM needed urgently

    okay :) g00dluck
  18. P

    Bf directly or pump out

    Baby must be gaining, around 200 gram per week.:nah: