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  1. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Hi alasoya I set up a whatsapp group chat for feb 14 mummies. If interested to join you can pm me your mobile.
  2. M

    Edd feb 2014

    I used Stamford Catering and held the celebration at the multipurpose area near my block. The full month menu included ang ku kueh and red eggs.
  3. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Is it cos he falls asleep while feeding? Try rotating the teat when it's in his mouth or stop to burp him when he falls asleep. If not, change diaper to wake him up.
  4. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Try putting her with her tummy against your shoulder and pat her back. That helps to get rid of wind. And you can try using Ru Yi oil. Put some on your hands and rub your hands together before you place your hand over her tummy.
  5. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Should have ba? Enfamil A+ stage 1 is what we use. I think it says 0-12 months?
  6. M

    Edd feb 2014

    I think 80ml seems to be a reasonable amount to be feeding now. Baby girl is 17 days old and feeds every 2 hours but 80ml of breast milk doesn't seem to last for long. We have to increase to 90ml of formula now.. My last day of massage today. Sort of mixed feelings- want to be slim sooner but...
  7. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Envy your milk supply..
  8. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Hey ladies I would like to start a WhatsApp chat group for Feb 14 mummies. Please send me a private message with your number if you are keen. Thanks and look forward to chatting with everyone!
  9. M

    Edd feb 2014

    We give her Enfamil. My nipples are sore too :(
  10. M

    Edd feb 2014

    That sounds like my routine too. I carry baby during the day too but the wrap makes it hard to carry, feed and anything! As if being a mother is not hard enough :P The past few days have been super hot too.. Shower time has never been more enjoyable.. My milk supply is lagging and I think...
  11. M

    Edd feb 2014

    How is everyone doing in their confinement? It is tiring to play catch up with my baby's feeding as I express my milk for her to drink :( I think I spend so much time pumping it is more than the time I spend carrying baby. Using the nipple shield to latch her on hurts and I can only get her...
  12. M

    Hi All Mummies

    Hi there, I'm a first time mummy and new to this forum. My baby girl is 2 weeks old. Hope to share experiences with other mummies :)
  13. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Congrats and rest well.. first baby?
  14. M

    Edd feb 2014

    If your boobs are engorged then massage the hard lumpy bits. The LC massaged and showed us how. Also use a warm towel over them before expressing? 200ml is really good. You should keep it up. I'm only getting 60ml each time so I find myself trying to catch up with the baby feeding all the time :P
  15. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Don't be discouraged. Just keep trying to latch on.. There must be babies who take longer than others. I'm also trying to get my baby to latch on with help of nipple shield.. Jia you!
  16. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Same. I pump every 2 hours and get around 60mls. If the interval is longer then maybe 90ml. I read somewhere the milk supply will be more during the night.. So depends on whether you can wake up to pump.
  17. M

    Edd feb 2014

    I delivered on 7 Feb at TMC and managed to catch the class on 8 Feb. The LCs there are helpful and they do teach you how to massage your breast to clear and blocked ducts. They will show you all the "tricks" to get the baby to latch and I think I've learnt that it's common that most mothers...
  18. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Oops I realised I misread your post regarding the weekend. So you delivered on 8 Feb at TMC?
  19. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Wow 200ml is impressive. The sessions at Thomson are $86 each time, one to one. They are open Mon to Fri and Sat half day. Why wait till weekend? Cos your hubby is working?
  20. M

    Edd feb 2014

    Milk supply was not a lot in first few days but I've been taking Motilium and fenugreek capsules. Now I pump about 2-3 ounces each time and I pump 5-6 times a day. We saw LC at Thomson Parentcraft twice and they advised 10 times a day and get enough rest but its hard. They also advised not to...