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    EDD Sep 2014

    U got any preference hospital that you want to deliver at? As for me I wana deliver at Mt A, so I source for gynae who can deliver there... Juz nice my fren recommend me Dr Chen and I feel that he is nice n friendly, maybe talk abit fast at times..
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    EDD Sep 2014

    My gynae is Chen Lin Han at Chong pang... my fren recommended.. Have you went for any checkup yet?
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    EDD Sep 2014

    Hi Serena25, same here first time mum.. quite excited, nx week will be my nx gynae visit... What abt u? Have u chose ur gynae??
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    EDD Sep 2014

    No prob.. lets vote for FB or apps?? Nx week is my 12weeks & nx gynae visit! I'm so excited!!
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    EDD Sep 2014

    Hi there mummies, I'm first time mummy here.. My edd is 15 sep.. Do you all think we should start a group chat using whatsapp??