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  1. N

    EDD May 2014 (maybe)

    Hi add me Thanks!!
  2. N

    EDD April 2014

    Congrats!! Don't fret! Milk sometimes comes in few days later. Keep latching or pumping ya.
  3. N

    EDD April 2014

    Hi! The 3D scan is included in the package. Maybe u can find out more from your doctor? ;)
  4. N

    EDD April 2014

    I'm having sleeping problems and backaches too..tmr will be doing 3D scan to see baby's face. Getting all so excited bout the birth yet worried haha mixed feelings! Hope everyone's fine and doing well! Any mummies staying West area?
  5. N

    EDD April 2014

    Hi fellow April mummies, I'm expecting a girl and going for planned ceaseran on 21st April. Hope everyone is doing great! Soon we'll meet our little loves!