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  1. L

    EDD Nov 2013

    Hi Thelay, yeah my gynae predict i will deliver by 39 weeks cos my first 2 babies also popped that week. Hope she is right cos now my tummy getting very tight, very frequet visits to toilet and serious can't wait to pop asap...;p
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    EDD Nov 2013

    Hi Thelay, wow we same EDD...haha .My gynae predict i will deliver by 39 weeks...Yeah thanks... i tried light massage for my mil said i drank too much cold drinks which caused those aches...Btw u drink young coconut juice already?
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    EDD Nov 2013

    Hi all, i am new to this glad to find so many Nov 2013 mummies here...:) My EDD is 14 Nov. My #3 baby already but still feeling super excited and now experiencing serious backaches...
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    Part-time hairstylist needed in bukit batok

    Hi ladies, my sister salon in bukit batok is looking for part time hairstylists. Minimum 1 year experience. If interested, kindly email yr details to Thank you.
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    Nursery rooms at shopping place.

    United squ and great world city have nice cosy nursing rooms...suntec nursing rm 's hot water dispenser broke down for a very long time and nothing was done ...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi Mummies... Though i am a sahm, do you think sending baby to a full-day childcare at 18mths will be better to train her independence and social skills and she won't stick to me and me alone like superglue? Me in a dilemma.... Hi Ping26, The class my gal is attending now is Suntec GUG, level...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi April Mummies... it has been a while since i posted...Life gets busier when my gal could walk and explore, opening all my drawers, cabinets and recently the fridge!!!headache...And yeah she still wake up at least twice at night for milk... I am also hunting for a preschool for her to...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hello Ping, tell me about it...both me and my baby are got meat type...haha. My gal weigh 9.8kg..Together we weigh 67kg...can't help...both baby and mummy always have great appetite...Seems like total breastfeeding also no use...haha. I am bringing baby on her first overseas trip on a plane...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi Sugarcookie, i did not dry the brown rice first because the aunty said they will have the machine to dry or rather heat it before they grind into powder. Oh i go to a TCM clinic in bukit batok,near my house. I read from other forum that some medical halls in Chinatown that have the grinder...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi Sugarcookie, my family has been using the slow cooker to cook brown rice overnight and have brown rice porridge for breakfast the next morning. Although its soft, i feel its still not smooth enough for baby cos lots of brown rice husk. So I ask the aunty from the chinese medical hall to...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi mummies, my 7-month old girl is now very playful...naps became very short in the day.. like 15mins only..before i can finish any house chores , she's awake and wants me to play with her...sleeps after 11pm still wakes up for milk every 3hourly... Cream, i wear socks for my girl after...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Ping26, yeah we tried the induce method, lifting her legs and making the 'ng' sound...haha my baby actually 'ng' back at us...Now she's passing motion every 2 days...pediatrician said no problem. Went for her 5mth check yesterday. My pediatrician said pneumococcal jab quite painful so suggest...
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    anyone know where to get 2 tiers cake??

    I also got a two tier cake from Pine Gardens. Two different flavors for each tier. Lychee martini and capaccino macadamia. My guests love them!
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Yeah it's not easy to take pic of baby smiling...hahaha..we tried with daddy making funny faces then mummy capture the shot...My baby seems to prefer daddy, she gets all excited when she saw him back from work every evening and daddy always managed to make her smile easily...hahaha only...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi Ping26, hope you are feeling better now. Your baby very cute and sweet..alot of pretty. My girl just shaved botak..and everyone thought she's a i always dress her in pink and wear hat nowadays. My girl is 4.5mths now..weigh 6.9kg and height is 58cm. pediatrician said...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Yeah, my mum in law also said shi shen is good for baby growth, develop strong bones and nice skin. She bought for me brown rice with shi shen powder from the chinese medical hall...i have yet to let baby try. think will wait till 5mths too.
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi ping26, i also plan to introduce brown rice porridge first...very watery kind mixed with breast milk.. My mother in law ask me to start with warmer food first...then fruits later...A mini blender sounds more convenient for busy mums. I will get one if the price is not too expensive...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi April mummies, anyone started weaning? I read that its from 4-6mths... Is 4.5mths too early to start? If intro food too early is it good for baby? I just bought little feeding bowls and spoon set for my girl...haha..wondering when can start using them...I first time mummy so still very...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hi hstan15, yeah, sucking fingers is bad habit, i will stop her whenever i see her suck..But sometimes hard to monitor all the time...Do you think its better to let her suck her mitten or take them off and she suck her fingers? I got trim her fingernails...also afraid mitten got small dust...
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    April 09 MTBs!

    Hope your baby is feeling better now from the fever. Yeah, baby ill really makes mummy so worried, sleepless nights, heart ache, poor appetite..I finally can understand what my mother had gone thru. Okie thanks i will try the activities u suggest..sounds interesting. My baby loves to suck her...