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  1. G

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    mama ina, haiiiiiiiii dearie, same-same with me, baru today I start nak menyibuk kat sini, 28 young mama lah ni :)
  2. G

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    lis, my bloggers call me mama moralle, so I'll use the same nickname, love it to....
  3. G

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    hi superwoman, or should I call u Rose jer :) I belum jadi granny from my own lah sis, I baru nenek busu, hehehe, from anak sedara yg dah besar-besar....btw sis, I read yr entry jugak, I hope u can be strong ya sis, I know its difficult to accept the fact with what is happening to u right now...
  4. G

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    hi lis, me in my 40, tua ker......boleh lah tahan jugak kan, but still young at heart tau, me staying in Woodlands, dari kecil hingga lah dah beranak penak, I'm a working mum dear, tak bleh survive if tak kerja staying in Singapore ni unless hubby is a super duper banyak $$$$$$$$...
  5. G

    young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

    :Dancing_wub:salam to all ladies and young mums, well I kenalkan diri, I'm not so young and not so old jugak, mother of 3 kids, 2 daughters in sec 4 and 2, n the youngest in K2, been married for 20 yrs this yr, hoping that saya di terima di sini,hehehe.......very new to forum-forum ni, getting...
  6. G

    stress, feel like im having depression

    Hey there, relax dear, its only yr 1st n u r still very this age when it comes to being pregnant everyone will encounter this......I hv 3 kids 1st one is olso a disaster.......u hv to be strong......u going to be due soon....stay healthy so that your baby will be...
  7. G

    Hellooooo Mommies Out There...

    Hi there, its my 1st time in forum page........hahaha........suddenly got excited after reading few forums in mummysg, me mummy of 3 childrens, 2 grown ups and 1 little hero.....hoping I can share my views with other mommies needed and also getting some good feedback and encouragement:001_302: