After 12hours.. Baby Edlycia is here.. =)


Hi all, summary of my birth process... Enjoy~~

1.30PM- Checkup at Dr adrian Clinic, Checked water level still low so need to induce labour.. was told to go home pack and arrive at Thomson by 4pm.. Went home to pack, Hubby was still in shocked cos did not expected for e baby to arrive so early.. hehhe..

4PM- Went up to level 2 for registration, Hubby was told to go level one to do admission thingy.. and for me i was asked to changed to this purple robe without any instruction which is front which is back, so i came out wearing e robe wrong side.. So paiseh.. :001_07:
Was strapped on this machince think called OBS to check baby heartbeat..After one hr, Contraction was every 7min as seen on e chart but i couldnt really feel it so i thought my i could take it if there's more pain..

5.45PM- Machine was off, hubby not up yet from doing e admission. Whole room only left me alone, abit spooky thou.. About half & hr later, a nurse came in n ask me to stay in e OBS room instead of going to e ward as at 7.30pm i still need to come down back.. I disagree cos i dont wish to spend like another hour in that room w/o any tv or sound, and also I've paid for e room so why cant let me relax there..

6.15PM- Was brought up to e ward, 4 bedded auto upgrade to 2 bedded.. Enter e ward, so happy cos im e only one using e room.. hehhe.. hubby so excited and started to explore e room.. -_-"
Dinner served, Tuna sandwich and milo.. So pathetic..

7.30PM- Went back to OBS room to check baby heartbeat and was also put on drip(induce).. Contraction came on n off but still can tahan.. nurse insert something up my a**ho**, went to shit.. Damn shiok.. hehehe

8PM- DR adrain came in to break my waterbag, so warm e water.. heheh..
after awhile pain was like getting more and contraction was at every 3-4mins..

10.30PM- Canot tahan e pain anymore!! Requested for EPI.. I must say whoever created EPI was a genius.. cos my pain all gone within like 10mins..:001_302:

11PM- cervix check.. dilate 3-4cm.. tried to take a nap but keep waking up cos very nervous..

3.15AM- Cervix check, dilated 8cm already.. Nurse say good.. I couldnt feel anything from waist down and shivering alot becos of e EPI.. Worst still, I fark non stop as couldnt control.. Hubby so paiseh and go out from e room.. :001_302:

3.40AM- Nurse came in and push me to e labour ward.. I'm so scared at e point of time, cant imagine what is all about in e labour room.. Was told to start pushing and pushing for SO MANY TIMES! but lucky thing is i couldnt feel any pain below.. At last after so many push, baby is out with e help of vacuum too.. Tears just roll down my eyes, so happy to hear baby crying, so cute.. Hubby couldnt stop taking pics while i was being stitch up.. baby edlycia has brown eyes like daddy and also so much hair like daddy too!..

Thats all about my birth story.. Hope you enjoy it..


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Felzdown...congrats!!! I saw baby Edlycia's pics...she's very cute and chubby. Luv her cheeks. Wah..i read ur story abt epi..u r tempting me to use epi ah. Hmmm..really ahhh no pain after u use epi? Tempting...tempting...nvmlah i think i will decide on the day itself.

Have fun with ur baby dear! :)



Active Member
Hi all, summary of my birth process... Enjoy~~

1.30PM- Checkup at Dr adrian Clinic, Checked water level still low so need to induce labour.. was told to go home pack and arrive at Thomson by 4pm.. Went home to pack, Hubby was still in shocked cos did not expected for e baby to arrive so early.. hehhe..

4PM- Went up to level 2 for registration, Hubby was told to go level one to do admission thingy.. and for me i was asked to changed to this purple robe without any instruction which is front which is back, so i came out wearing e robe wrong side.. So paiseh.. :001_07:
Was strapped on this machince think called OBS to check baby heartbeat..After one hr, Contraction was every 7min as seen on e chart but i couldnt really feel it so i thought my i could take it if there's more pain..

5.45PM- Machine was off, hubby not up yet from doing e admission. Whole room only left me alone, abit spooky thou.. About half & hr later, a nurse came in n ask me to stay in e OBS room instead of going to e ward as at 7.30pm i still need to come down back.. I disagree cos i dont wish to spend like another hour in that room w/o any tv or sound, and also I've paid for e room so why cant let me relax there..

6.15PM- Was brought up to e ward, 4 bedded auto upgrade to 2 bedded.. Enter e ward, so happy cos im e only one using e room.. hehhe.. hubby so excited and started to explore e room.. -_-"
Dinner served, Tuna sandwich and milo.. So pathetic..

7.30PM- Went back to OBS room to check baby heartbeat and was also put on drip(induce).. Contraction came on n off but still can tahan.. nurse insert something up my a**ho**, went to shit.. Damn shiok.. hehehe

8PM- DR adrain came in to break my waterbag, so warm e water.. heheh..
after awhile pain was like getting more and contraction was at every 3-4mins..

10.30PM- Canot tahan e pain anymore!! Requested for EPI.. I must say whoever created EPI was a genius.. cos my pain all gone within like 10mins..:001_302:

11PM- cervix check.. dilate 3-4cm.. tried to take a nap but keep waking up cos very nervous..

3.15AM- Cervix check, dilated 8cm already.. Nurse say good.. I couldnt feel anything from waist down and shivering alot becos of e EPI.. Worst still, I fark non stop as couldnt control.. Hubby so paiseh and go out from e room.. :001_302:

3.40AM- Nurse came in and push me to e labour ward.. I'm so scared at e point of time, cant imagine what is all about in e labour room.. Was told to start pushing and pushing for SO MANY TIMES! but lucky thing is i couldnt feel any pain below.. At last after so many push, baby is out with e help of vacuum too.. Tears just roll down my eyes, so happy to hear baby crying, so cute.. Hubby couldnt stop taking pics while i was being stitch up.. baby edlycia has brown eyes like daddy and also so much hair like daddy too!..

Thats all about my birth story.. Hope you enjoy it.. :Dancing_tongue:
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Congrats Felzdown!!! She is such a sweet baby. And i totally agree that EPI is the best thing ever~ Haha.


Felzdown...congrats!!! I saw baby Edlycia's pics...she's very cute and chubby. Luv her cheeks. Wah..i read your story about are tempting me to use epi . Hmmm..really ahhh no pain after you use epi? Tempting...tempting...nvmlah i think i will decide on the day itself.

Have fun with your baby dear! :)

Hi hi haffa, Thanks for e wishes.. Ya she's really chubby look like daddy when he was a baby, n also alot of hair on e face & body!!..

Yeah man after EPI no pain at all.. but half body numb la.. Before i was admitted, i told hubby no matter wat i would't want to take EPI, but when once e pain kick in i couldnt bother anymore as its really really painful man! I opted for EPI, aft e injection of EPI, i was so so so relieved and enjoyed myself during birth rather then a lady nex door, she was screaming her lungs out during delivering.. But i hav to salute her cos she didnt take any pain killer thou, not even e gas! I cant do it man!! heheheh...
Well, i think u shld decide on that day itself too cos who knows u can tahan e pain and will hav a short labour too?? :001_302:

Anyway i having bad bad piles now after delivery, damn painful till e nurses hav to inject me w e strongest pain killer.. E piles more painful den e stitches.. HHaiis....


Thanks phoebii cheng..

Thanks kam, yeah bb cheek very chubby.. very tempting to hav a bite.. hehe.. My breast are sore from breastfeeding, bb suck very strong..

Thanks claire_mama..

Thanks hakisumi.. I would opt for EPI again if i hav no. 2... heheheh...:tlaugh: