

I'm having a major breakdown thinking abt my divorce.
Financial crisis is starting to breaking me down.
Self esteem have pull me down.
I'm on way to sell my house soon after my divorce settle. Frankly I can't cope my financial.
To many outstanding bills to settle.
Currently not working, only start work next week.
I'm out of job for nearly 2 mths no help from no one.
Cry myself to sleep nearly every day.
My 6 years old daughter will ask me always "mummy are u ok??"
I can't show my sadness to her, her smile gv me the courage to move on.
I have not much frens to tok abt, I feel embarrassed to tok abt my problem. This toil:mad::mad: have showed it sign on my face. I eat a lot to overcome the stress n now I gain weight due to the eating.
Please help wat should I do to overcome all this??


Active Member
brokensmile: hmm problems are always here. since you will be working soon. surely the finance part should be able to resolve. its tough but for your ger you just have to be strong. nothing is smooth sailing. you can do some planning on finance at this pt so that you know you can try to save abit. try not to eat to overcome stress. go exercise instead. i noe eating can really release the stress lvl but its not v healthy to overeat.
rem new job means new hope :) if you are sad tok to a frenz and dun be embarrassed. :)

This is basically the very reason why Mummysg was created- to be your support group, and to be a lending ear. We are here to listen to you, though we may not be physically there to pat you at the back and say that you are actually doing a great job for holding on and at the same time, moving on...may you find that our responses make you feel that we are here.

You can tell all your problems by starting a thread or however, noone is here to judge. And i assure you that by sharing your burden, it helps you release part of the pain. Your problems may not be solved overnight but by talking it through, you'll find a way to work things out. Just ask around like what most mothers do here in Mummysg.

For now, eat good food. Remember, you are what you eat. If you can stay away from junk, please do so. Take a rest. And if you still cry yourself to sleep, that is totally fine. Wallow as long as you can, however, don't steep into it so well. You must help yourself, too. Because afterall, that's what we all do. And remember, your life is no longer yours when you start being a mother. Your daughter depends her life on you.

Keep us posted. And thank you for sharing.



Thank god I hv new frens to tok to...... I'm so stress lately after I read all that articles in the single parent forum I feel a bit relieved.... There are more worst case scenario than me... :)
That is exactly the reason we all get hope. We know that there are people who suffer more than we do. There is tomorrow, and a rainbow after the rain!

So keep your head high, sister!



Dear brokesmile,

In life that is always ups and downs. Believe in yourself you are able to make it. Congrats u will be working soon. Looking forward that after the end tunnel there is light and hohope

just me smiley


New Member
Dear BrokenSmile,

I feel it when you say you cry cuz when I was going through divorce, I cried myself to sleep every night and my daughter used to come over and ask me if I am alright. Hang in there, babe. You are stronger than you think you are. If it helps, you can contact HELP (Help Every Lonely Parent) Family service centre.

HELP Family Service Centre - help for single parents & children
An organization which provides counseling and assistance to single-parent families.

I don't know if it helps but going back to my religion helped me in my darkest hour and praying helps. Will pray for you.

Do reach out for help when you are down and don't keep everything inside but talk to us. If you need, send me a message and I'll reply. We can exchange contacts.
