Charges for Delivery - THE BIG DAY


Hi MoMs,

By now some of you have calculated the costs for some the bill elements.
Can you please advise what are the charges like in KK Hospital and Private Hosiptals.

KK Hospital - Government Hospitals
Hospital Accomdation
Nursery bed for baby
Diagnostic Imaging Services
Laboratory Services

Private Hosiptals
Hospital Accomdation
Nursery bed for baby
Diagnostic Imaging Services
Laboratory Services

Are there any other charges which I have not put above?Please guide.
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New Member
I had delivered my baby 2 weeks ago in thomson medical centre with single bed is about 7k ++. No epidural but induce, and becoz it is in the weekends its additional 50%. Its not cheap to deliver! When r u due?


I had delivered my baby 2 weeks ago in thomson medical centre with single bed is about 7k ++. No epidural but induce, and becoz it is in the weekends its additional 50%. Its not cheap to deliver! When r you due?
Hi Jovy,
U delivered at it C-sect? How come $7k++ so ex? Before medisave claims? And weekends additional 50%? omg...
I am delivering at TMC soon...mid oct or end oct...and wanted to choose 1-bedded but eventually scare of the bill size, i choose 4-bedded instead...


Well-Known Member
i delivered ds at TMC last yr june, via scheduled c-sect GA, 4 bedded (free upgarded to 2 nedded). total bill 6.4k and we paid ard 2.4k cash.

i think Jovy's one is ex cos lik what she said: she delivered during weekends and hav to pay 50% more.


New Member
i delivered at NUH last May 29... normal delivery around $4,200. One bedder.... their delivery suite is very nice and clean...


Well-Known Member
I had delivered my baby 2 weeks ago in thomson medical centre with single bed is about 7k ++. No epidural but induce, and becoz it is in the weekends its additional 50%. Its not cheap to deliver! When r you due?
Phew so I made a smart choice by not upgrading to a premier single room just in case the total cost ballon :p


New Member
woah! weekend extra 50%? tats so unfair! we control when the baby decides to come out mah... some hotels charge more for weekends n public holidays... mine due nxt week or the week aft,also thomson... hope it doesnt fall on a weekend...


i delivered dear son at Thomson Medical Center last yr june, via scheduled c-sect GA, 4 bedded (free upgarded to 2 nedded). total bill 6.4k and we paid around 2.4k cash.

i think Jovy's one is ex cos lik what she said: she delivered during weekends and hav to pay 50% more.
Gosh really ah?? Then i muz start to tok to my bb dun come on wkends...mummy poor lady...its either u wan nice toys or mummy pay more! Lol


Phew so I made a smart choice by not upgrading to a premier single room just in case the total cost ballon :p
Ya i was like u..initially i choose 1-bedded cos wish hubby to stay w me but after reading so many feedbacks in forum, i change to 4-bedded...scare emergency c-sect...anyone encounter ppl dun have enuff cash after delivery???


woah! weekend extra 50%? tats so unfair! we control when the baby decides to come out mah... some hotels charge more for weekends n public holidays... mine due nxt week or the week after,also thomson... hope it doesnt fall on a weekend...
My fren say talking to bb helps..:) lets try! I oso scare kanna wkend lor...


Well-Known Member
I delivered on weekend and I did check with gynae, there's no extra charge for weekend. Some gynaes will charge extra on the gynae fee & maybe the PD might also charge extra for weekends but the room charges are the same.

I think her bill was exp cos it's SINGLE BEDDED.

My insurance agent who delivered on Friday at TMC, induced natural & assisted vacuum/forceps, single bed with epidural (1 vial) paid $6.8K in cash back in 2007.

So I think 7k+++ for induced natural is quite alright considering inflation. Plus usually induce you will spend alot of time at the labour ward, they actually charge you by 4 hour blocks for use of the labour ward. & if you take very long to induce and they need to drip more meds, every vial can add $100 - 300 into your bill before taxes.
And due to single bed, all the 'small items' added to your bill are charged at exhorbitant rates.

Anyway you only stay in the hospital for a few days, no point getting single bed when hubs also need to rest and get the house ready to bring baby home.

I stayed in 2bedder and it's quiet and peaceful enough :)


Well-Known Member

Anyway you only stay in the hospital for a few days, no point getting single bed when hubs also need to rest and get the house ready to bring baby home.

I stayed in 2bedder and it's quiet and peaceful enough :)
that's what i tot too!! some told me no privacy, i told them, draw the curtain and u'll get the privacy.some told me later ppl come visit me 2/4bedded will be v small, i told them, i go there to deliver, i told them frens/relatives can always visit me AFTER I discharge. hahahaha!! :tlaugh:


I delivered on weekend and I did check with gynae, there's no extra charge for weekend. Some gynaes will charge extra on the gynae fee & maybe the pediatrician might also charge extra for weekends but the room charges are the same.

I think her bill was exp cos it's SINGLE BEDDED.

My insurance agent who delivered on Friday at Thomson Medical Center, induced natural & assisted vacuum/forceps, single bed with epidural (1 vial) paid $6.8K in cash back in 2007.

So I think 7k+++ for induced natural is quite alright considering inflation. Plus usually induce you will spend alot of time at the labour ward, they actually charge you by 4 hour blocks for use of the labour ward. & if you take very long to induce and they need to drip more meds, every vial can add $100 - 300 into your bill before taxes.
And due to single bed, all the 'small items' added to your bill are charged at exhorbitant rates.

Anyway you only stay in the hospital for a few days, no point getting single bed when hubs also need to rest and get the house ready to bring baby home.

I stayed in 2bedder and it's quiet and peaceful enough :)
True for hubby part...anyway juz hope tat he will b there as my emotional needs. I wanted to induce too but din noe its so ex way back in 2007. Tats b4 medisave rite??


Well-Known Member
True for hubby part...anyway just hope that he will b there as my emotional needs. I wanted to induce too but did not know its so ex way back in 2007. Tats before medisave rite??
haha dun wry.. ur hub can be there whole day with u.. my hub went down to hospital at 8am and go bk at 9pm daily. not only he can have sufficient rest, me too. cos i dun wan him to stay at hospital, though is 1bedded, but they dont really provide a 'decent' bed for the husband. Esp if u r going for natural birth, hub will hav to stay with u for many hrs when u're in the labour ward.

actu the prices also depends on ur gynae's charges. hospital rate will increase yearly, and diffe gynae charges differently. as for medisave, cannot claim as much as govt hospital. =)


haha dont wry.. your hub can be there whole day with you.. my hub went down to hospital at 8am and go back at 9pm daily. not only he can have sufficient rest, me too. cos i dont want him to stay at hospital, though is 1bedded, but they dont really provide a 'decent' bed for the husband. Esp if you r going for natural birth, hub will hav to stay with you for many hours when you're in the labour ward.

actually the prices also depends on your gynae's charges. hospital rate will increase yearly, and diffe gynae charges differently. as for medisave, cannot claim as much as govt hospital. =)
I tot they provide bed for hubby staying by charging us extra $75? Heee anyway i opt for 4-bedded n hoping to go for natural w epi...hope this will nt blow up my bill. Ya gynae fees can b quite gynae fees quite ok n part of it can b claim frm medisave. Lucky i din go for those famous gynae or wat.
Alot of worries nw...enuff cash? If natural cant go c-sect how? Then hospital service no gd hw? Wah i wonder how to survive during my leave frm next week edd still long way to go....


Well-Known Member
I thought they provide bed for hubby staying by charging us extra $75? Heee anyway i opt for 4-bedded n hoping to go for natural w epi...hope this will not blow up my bill. Ya gynae fees can b quite gynae fees quite ok n part of it can b claim frm medisave. Lucky i did not go for those famous gynae or what.
Alot of worries now...enuff cash? If natural cant go c-sect how? Then hospital service no good hw? Wah i wonder how to survive during my leave frm next week edd still long way to go....
hospital service actu depends on luck. i suppose all these hospital services are good. but lik some mummies said, there are always black sheeps amoung them. what's more impt is, the hospital must be convenient for u and ur family and gynae. haha!

for cash part, tt time i prepare 3k. but now, i think have to prepare 4k at least, in case of emergency c-sect and if bb got high juandice *touchwood*, have to stay 1-2 more days etc..


hospital service actually depends on luck. i suppose all these hospital services are good. but lik some mummies said, there are always black sheeps amoung them. what's more impt is, the hospital must be convenient for you and your family and gynae. haha!

for cash part, that time i prepare 3k. but now, i think have to prepare 4k at least, in case of emergency c-sect and if baby got high juandice *touchwood*, have to stay 1-2 more days etc..
Wah $4k...sigh i only prepare $2k cash cos nt so well to do. Really muz start praying already. I oso scare last min things. So far no one in forum indicate if lack of cash in payment wat would they do. Sigh i think i better stick to 4-bedded n start praying for the best...


Well-Known Member
Wah $4k...sigh i only prepare $2k cash cos not so well to do. Really must start praying already. I also scare last min things. So far no one in forum indicate if lack of cash in payment what would they do. Sigh i think i better stick to 4-bedded n start praying for the best...
maybe that is because no one has ever encountered lack of fund