Cloth diaper


To all mummies...who have tried cloth diaperin ur baby?cos i tot of using cloth diaper for my comin baby gal.i saw dat its much cheaper than e disposable ones.but there is quite a few brands in e market which makes me dunno how to choose...any recommend?:err:

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
I love modern cloth diapers and my 15-month old boy is being cloth-diapered full-time. You may read our reviews of various brands of cloth diapers at cloth diapers |.

If you want something value-for-money, get 1-2 to try Moo Moo Kow (S'pore brand) reviewed at Moo Moo Kowâ„¢ One-Size Cloth Diapers |

When unsure, always get a 1-2 of 1 brand just to try if you like using it and if it fits your baby. Cloth diapers have different cuttings, so fit babies of different shapes. Usually, babies with chunky thighs have less options as fewer brands can accomodate those thighs well.


Well-Known Member
Like MieVee mentioned, there are a lot of brands in the market as well as systems - pocket, fitted, AIO, AI2 and so forth. The key is to try one of everything and see what you like best.

So far, my favourite is Grobaby as it's an AI2 system but I do use other brands (one size pocket system) like Bumwear, Fuzzi Bunz, BumGenius, Happy Heinys, Blueberry, Baby Kanga, Autumnz, and Babyland. The reviews are available on my baby blog, if you'd like to have an insight on the performance of each of these diapers.


Well-Known Member
I think Rita's suggestion on the site is that you use the one size diaper for babies above a certain weight - like at least 3-4 kg - to get a good fit.

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
is bumwear one size cloth diaper suitable for newborn?im afraid it might be too big for newborn...
For first month, I had confinement help, so used traditional cloth diapers on my boy, with a good diaper cover. Reason: very frequent poo (breastfed baby) that need changing. He used up to 15 napkins a day.

In mth 2, then we started using modern cloth diapers.

A quick FAQ on Successfully Cloth-Diapering a Newborn |


I bought 2 covers n 12 inserts frm bumwear.. Yet to put on my boy though.. Will probably start cloth-diapering him when he's 2mths old.. But i dont think 2 inserts are enough cos e insert is quite thick so will take some time to dry aft washing.. I plan to use bumwear in e day n diapers at night n on outings so hopefully e 12 inserts i bought will be enough if nt must buy more..


I bought 2 covers n 12 inserts frm bumwear.. Yet to put on my boy though.. Will probably start cloth-diapering him when he's 2mths old.. But i dont think 2 inserts are enough cos e insert is quite thick so will take some time to dry after washing.. I plan to use bumwear in e day n diapers at night n on outings so hopefully e 12 inserts i bought will be enough if not must buy more..
i've seen some of e mummies using coth diaper at least need bout 12 to 15 diaper cover n 20 to 24 inserts wor....


Well-Known Member
Actually if you're using the pocket system, you're supposed to change the cover along with the inserts after EACH use. The only system that allows you to remove the insert and retain the cover is the AI2 system and even then, it's recommended that you change the cover after every two-three soils (only pee). For poo, it's recommended that you change the entire diaper for hygiene reasons.

For babies below 6 mths, you don't need to use two inserts, especially for Bumwear. Eva, who is on solids and drinking heaps does fine just on one insert for Bumwear.

And yes, if you're cloth diapering your baby full-time, you'll need more than 12 inserts. This is because you need some "breather" time in between washes and wearing otherwise you may find that your diapers will not last all that wear and tear.

I CD Eva full-time and I have nearly 30 odd diapers and at least 60 inserts (regular, night and doublers). Am even planning on making my own bamboo-hemp doublers since she's a heavy wetter. :p

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
There are several brands of pocket cloth diapers that are packaged with 2 inserts. These are quite value-for-money for mums preparing for a newborn.

No. of diapers needed depends on:
- poo frequency (some breastfed babies like my boy poo up to 11 times a day!)
- partial or full-time cloth diapering
- laundry frequency

This is what we bought:
- 1st month: 3 dozens traditional square nappies, 4 diaper covers
- up to 5 months old (7+kg): 11 small pocket diapers for day, 3 small fleece diapers for night
- up to 9 months old (10kg): 11 medium pocket diapers for day, 3 medium fleece pocket diapers for night
- up to toddler: 6 large, 1 one-size pocket diapers, 3 one-size fitted diapers for day, 3 large fitted / fleece diapers for night

For each diaper, I need at least 2 inserts to rotate. On sunny days, they take about 4 hours to dry. On rainy days, it can take 2 afternoons. I do daily laundry.

My preference is sized diapers (S, M, L) so that they can last regular use over 3 children. For 1-2 children, one-size diapers may work well.

To protect the diapers' lifespan, put them in laundry nets before machine-wash.

The cloth diapers and inserts we used are reviewed at A Giveaway of One-Size diapers has just been launched too.

Happy cloth-diapering! :)
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Actually if you're using the pocket system, you're supposed to change the cover along with the inserts after EACH use. The only system that allows you to remove the insert and retain the cover is the AI2 system and even then, it's recommended that you change the cover after every two-three soils (only pee). For poo, it's recommended that you change the entire diaper for hygiene reasons.

For babies below 6 mths, you dont't need to use two inserts, especially for Bumwear. Eva, who is on solids and drinking heaps does fine just on one insert for Bumwear.

And yes, if you're cloth diapering your baby full-time, you'll need more than 12 inserts. This is because you need some "breather" time in between washes and wearing otherwise you may find that your diapers will not last all that wear and tear.

I CD Eva full-time and I have nearly 30 odd diapers and at least 60 inserts (regular, night and doublers). Am even planning on making my own bamboo-hemp doublers since she's a heavy wetter. :p

I am using the one size pocket diaper, i change the cover + insert every time, i do not reuse the cover...

as for the inserts, what is regular, night and doublers? where can i find these??? i tot all normal type de (come together with the diapers?) got difference???

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
I am using the one size pocket diaper, i change the cover + insert every time, i do not reuse the cover...

as for the inserts, what is regular, night and doublers? where can i find these??? i thought all normal type (come together with the diapers?) got difference???
The inserts packaged with cloth diapers are usually made of microfibre.
For higher absorbency, can add thin yet absorbent boosters / doublers made of hemp.
For night time, 1 microfibre + 1 hemp insert usually works.

Examples of different inserts:
GAD One-Size Hemp Inserts |
GAD Hemp Diaper Doubler (2 Layers) |
Knickernappies LoopyDo 2G Prewashed Inserts (Large) |
Wahmies One-Size Microfibre Inserts |


what about bamboo inserts? can it use as doublers?? which is better? bamboo and hemp? where to buy hemp inserts?

BTW how do i keep the used inserts and diapers if I am wasing on alt days/ twice a week?? (i heard of dry pail and wet pail), but can't remember wat it meant exactly


Well-Known Member
In terms of absorbancy, bamboo and hemp are the same. But bamboo takes longer to dry compared to hemp.

Personally, I prefer bamboo because it's softer after washing. Hemp becomes very very stiff and will shrink up to 20% (compared to 15% from bamboo). I'm actually slow replacing my microfiber doublers to bamboo (am making my own) to minimize the bulk for Eva's day time diapers.

I adopt a dry pail system which is remove inserts from cover and put in a dry pail with no water until it's time to wash. Then I'll do a prerinse without any detergent before an actual full cycle with detergent.

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
what about bamboo inserts? can it use as doublers?? which is better? bamboo and hemp? where to buy hemp inserts?

BTW how do i keep the used inserts and diapers if I am wasing on alt days/ twice a week?? (i heard of dry pail and wet pail), but can't remember what it meant exactly
Hemp boosters / doublers are relatively soft because there are usually only 2 layers of hemp.

Hemp inserts contain about 4 layers, so become rather stiff.

I also use the dry pail system (safer with a kid in the house). If there is poo on diaper, just spray it clean once you are free instead of waiting until wash-day.

In humid weather, washing every alternate day is fine. If twice a week, there is risk of mouldy diapers.

If washing machine has prewash function, use it.
Otherwise, rinse the inserts once in 1/2 - 1 pail of water once before throwing into washing machine. (May recycle the water to flush toilet.)


In terms of absorbancy, bamboo and hemp are the same. But bamboo takes longer to dry compared to hemp.

Personally, I prefer bamboo because it's softer after washing. Hemp becomes very very stiff and will shrink up to 20% (compared to 15% from bamboo). I'm actually slow replacing my microfiber doublers to bamboo (am making my own) to minimize the bulk for Eva's day time diapers.

I adopt a dry pail system which is remove inserts from cover and put in a dry pail with no water until it's time to wash. Then I'll do a prerinse without any detergent before an actual full cycle with detergent.
How to make ur own bamboo insert???

Hemp boosters / doublers are relatively soft because there are usually only 2 layers of hemp.

Hemp inserts contain about 4 layers, so become rather stiff.

I also use the dry pail system (safer with a kid in the house). If there is poo on diaper, just spray it clean once you are free instead of waiting until wash-day.

In humid weather, washing every alternate day is fine. If twice a week, there is risk of mouldy diapers.

If washing machine has prewash function, use it.
Otherwise, rinse the inserts once in 1/2 - 1 pail of water once before throwing into washing machine. (May recycle the water to flush toilet.)

DO i need to rinse the inserts first before placing in the dry pail?? Else it will smells????


Actually if you're using the pocket system, you're supposed to change the cover along with the inserts after EACH use. The only system that allows you to remove the insert and retain the cover is the AI2 system and even then, it's recommended that you change the cover after every two-three soils (only pee). For poo, it's recommended that you change the entire diaper for hygiene reasons.

For babies below 6 mths, you dont't need to use two inserts, especially for Bumwear. Eva, who is on solids and drinking heaps does fine just on one insert for Bumwear.

And yes, if you're cloth diapering your baby full-time, you'll need more than 12 inserts. This is because you need some "breather" time in between washes and wearing otherwise you may find that your diapers will not last all that wear and tear.

I CD Eva full-time and I have nearly 30 odd diapers and at least 60 inserts (regular, night and doublers). Am even planning on making my own bamboo-hemp doublers since she's a heavy wetter. :p
hi meiteoh,

actually i dun agree using 1 insert for below 6 mths because my son pee alot since young and when he is newborn, i've used jus 1 insert and everytime will leak, it doesnt hold well with 1 insert.

I am impressed of your CD collection. At present, i've only 8 bumwear + 12 inserts. There are so many CD brands that I am having a hard time finding the right one for my boy. As he have chunky thigh, and almost 8 mths, not sure which brand gv a better cutting and hold absorption well.