curse unborn baby


I believe it is 'pantang' which some people called it. Personally, I do not believe this. I think the person who curses an unborn baby is rather mean and there is a saying 'what goes around; comes around.

Please do not let such comments affect your mood and stay positive and both you and your baby will be fine :)


New Member
I believe it is 'pantang' which some people called it. Personally, I do not believe this. I think the person who curses an unborn baby is rather mean and there is a saying 'what goes around; comes around.

Please do not let such comments affect your mood and stay positive and both you and your baby will be fine :)
thankyou:) im trying very hard to.


I always think baby is good gift from god for us. So what reason should we curse the baby? They are with no fault at all. Be happy. Everything will go well. Enjoy his growth in you body hun...:twink:


Well-Known Member
i agree with pixie's "what goes ard, comes ard".. yes, the mtb will feel upset over ppl's cursing on the unborn baby but dont get too bothered over it and dont even react over it. the least u react, the angrier the other party will be =D


Yes, so long as you are strong, no curse can harm you or your baby. If you keep worrying, it will then harm u.


Depends on your spiritual belief but as a Christian I would break those curses :)

I'm not superstitious but do believe that words are a creative/destructive force. Continue to speak good things over your baby and don't worry. Worry creates fear and fears can become reality. Relax and believe your baby is healthy, beautiful and a blessing :)