Did you give water to baby to drink? - newborn


Hi mums,

want to know if anyone gave water to their newborn baby to drink. My baby is currently 7 weeks old, and my in-laws all insist to give her some water. Baby is fully breastfeeding, and the hospital say don't need water until when baby starts solids. Personally i don't see water as necessary either as baby feeds well regularly and has many wet nappies. When baby has hiccups, I was also taught by the hospital that can put baby back on the breast to stop the hiccups, but in-laws all insist to give water instead, and that breastmilk might cause her to choke. I'm quite upset...


Well-Known Member
No. I have never given water to Eva as BM is 80% water and too much water can result in water intoxication which is dangerous in babies!

Try to NOT listen to the elderly - my parents also keep bugging me to give Eva water. But it is not good, especially for those who are BFing.



Water fills your baby's tummy unnecessarily and when baby is full, they won't want to latch on. If they don't latch on regularly, your supply will drop. If they insist again, just get your hubby to tell them off.

If your baby is thirsty, she'll want to drink more often but at shorter bursts as foremilk is more for satisfying thirst and hindmilk for hunger. So listen to your baby and not other people, ya? :D


Active Member
No. I have never given water to Eva as breast milk is 80% water and too much water can result in water intoxication which is dangerous in babies!

Try to NOT listen to the elderly - my parents also keep bugging me to give Eva water. But it is not good, especially for those who are BFing.



Water fills your baby's tummy unnecessarily and when baby is full, they won't want to latch on. If they dont't latch on regularly, your supply will drop. If they insist again, just get your hubby to tell them off.

If your baby is thirsty, she'll want to drink more often but at shorter bursts as foremilk is more for satisfying thirst and hindmilk for hunger. So listen to your baby and not other people, ya? :D
Sometimes some pple just like to push their way ard...... Its good to heed the professional advice, cos if anything happen, the doctors are the one treating our babies not those elderly. When things happen, those who give advice will start saying "my baby was alright...", typical scenario.


Thanks for your replies, I now sort of understand why. Before I also thought baby could be too small to process the normal water, but then I was wondering why the older generation say they all gave water to their own babies. I forgot to ask the nurse the reason behind not needing water.

My paediatrician's appointment is only in another 2 weeks, will try to remember to ask.

i'm very upset every single day because my in-laws keep saying to give her water. Yesterday they gave her about less than one teaspoon to drink when she woke up, I was so upset and cried after that when I saw that, because she was due for a feed first. Hubby is on the side of the in-laws (ofcourse since they are his dad & mum) and listens to them and also want to give...

I can't explain to them because they simply don't understand!


Well-Known Member
agree with meiteoh.

even if bb is fed formula milk, there is absolutely no need for extra water cos formula milk consists of more than 80% milk as well.

For bbs, milk is v impt cos they need the nutrients to grow well. The water will take away their appetite for milk.

You can always call your pd over the phone, if not, you can also call up kk's ask a nurse service.

whenever i get this type of nonsense from the older generation, i'm always tempted to tell them that last time, policeman wear shorts, and last time pple thought that the earth was flat!


1 teaspoon is ok...

I've never given my baby water until 6 mths of age. My PD did say it's not recommended but if you reall really really want to give, a bit will be ok. Maybe 20ml spread out through the day.

If there's really no peace from this water feeding thing, you can try limiting it to just a little bit. You could try to mix it with gripe water because feeding gripe water would require you to mix it with some water. Gripe water helps baby expel air more easily.

Maybe you can try explaining to your in-laws about this water thing. Worse come to worse, bring them along for the next PD visit.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Parents are like that, my mum too when my son was younger, tried to give him water to drink.....and I told her off, but later my hubby told me tht our parents are not well educated as us nowadays, why be upset with them?

Just be patient and explain to them, cos' in their mind, they raise u up their way, but all of us grew up well & strong....but times hv changed so it is oso diff for them to change.....just be patient, I am still trying to be patient, but thank God that my mom is not so insistent type


Well-Known Member
ds is partial bf until 4mth old, aft tt fully FM.. i only give him the very 1st drip of water when he started solid foofd which was 5.5mth old...

not only plain water, any other water other than MILK (be it bm or fm) also dont nd to give.. =)


Hi, my family members also kept asking me to give my gal water..haiz... so I told them that my paed said that milk has sufficient water for the baby and kept repeating it. No choice la... they cannot be convinced and I have to act like a broken recorder. It is worse when there are more relatives around...


Well-Known Member
Hi, my family members also kept asking me to give my gal water..sigh... so I told them that my paed said that milk has sufficient water for the baby and kept repeating it. No choice ... they cannot be convinced and I have to act like a broken recorder. It is worse when there are more relatives around...

haha.. i'm sure most mummies here understand hw u feel.. lucky my cousin gave birth a year b4 me and she also insist not feeding her baby any water until 6mth old. so my relatives alrdy accept the fact and if some relatives who still cant accept, my parents will just tel them "so how? pd say cannot drink lehh cos milk powder diffe liaoo.... u noe what is pd? pd not normal doctor lehh.. is specially see babies one so must listen lohh.." HAHA!!!

as for my inlaws side, much more diffi. though my mil accpet the fact and what we told her but not my grand mil cos her daughter just gave birth 3 year b4 me and she gave her daughter plenty of water.. they just cant accept the fact that BF babies dun nd water and FM babies too, just dun believe tt now and the past different liaoo..


i juz giv bb a lil but he wil push out e bottle nipple ......mayb bb doesnt like e plain taste of water......so i stop givin.....


Is the same with all the old folks.. My mil also insist give my DD water when she has hiccups... so I INSIST back i am not give... She even ignore me and told my FIL to bring her some water to feed baby... so i say very loudly... i already say dont give liao!!
Anyway... i read somewhere that water also increase jaundice and and dilutes the bab y's blood...


Well-Known Member
Is the same with all the old folks.. My mother in law also insist give my dear daughter water when she has hiccups... so I INSIST back i am not give... She even ignore me and told my father in law to bring her some water to feed baby... so i say very loudly... i already say dont give !!
Anyway... i read somewhere that water also increase jaundice and and dilutes the bab why's blood...
actu when baby is having hiccups, the more we CANNOT feed them water cos it might choke them. we adults r diffe, we noe hw to judge when the next hiccup is coming, but baby dunno, what if they swallow the water n hiccup at e same time? dangerous right? haha..


actually when baby is having hiccups, the more we CANNOT feed them water cos it might choke them. we adults are diffe, we know hw to judge when the next hiccup is coming, but baby dont know, what if they swallow the water n hiccup at e same time? dangerous right? haha..
Heehee... will tell them this next time!!!


actually when baby is having hiccups, the more we CANNOT feed them water cos it might choke them. we adults are diffe, we know hw to judge when the next hiccup is coming, but baby dont know, what if they swallow the water n hiccup at e same time? dangerous right? haha..

Wow, i'm glad I'm not the only mum here who doesn't want to give my baby water to drink....

Can we still put baby back on the breast to cure their hiccups? This is what the hospital taught us during the antenatal class...


Well-Known Member
Wow, i'm glad I'm not the only mum here who doesn't want to give my baby water to drink....

Can we still put baby back on the breast to cure their hiccups? This is what the hospital taught us during the antenatal class...
for breast i not sure.. whenever ds has hiccups, i will just leave it.. =)


Well, my mother and mother-in-law too.. they keep telling me to give my baby water. they said that only milk is too heaty and causes phlegm in baby. so i feed baby water. until 1 time, my baby was crying badly and they feed water to her, she threw everything out like a fountain. when we bring to KK then the doc tell us say baby no need drink water only until 6 mths old.

my mother-in-law also scared liao, don dare to give water but after few days or 1 wk, she will still try to give 1 teaspoon like that. that time really make me fed up.


Well-Known Member
Wow, i'm glad I'm not the only mum here who doesn't want to give my baby water to drink....

Can we still put baby back on the breast to cure their hiccups? This is what the hospital taught us during the antenatal class...
hmmm, i think they will stick choke on the bm right, even if it's from the breast? :p

I just let my dd hiccup till she stops on her own.

Actually, it's v common for young bbs to hiccup cos their diaphragms is still developing. When they're older, they'll naturally stop hiccupping so often.


hmmm, i think they will stick choke on the breast milk right, even if it's from the breast? :p


that's what i thought....but my boy (6weeks +), will cry for my boobie when we leave him hiccuping for a few minutes. and he will suckle until the hiccups stop:elvis:.... he never choked on the milk, even from the first time.... so for him its ok.... maybe its individual? coz when i went for the baby care class after birth, the LC also said to let the hiccups run its course and that baby will choke if fed milk....