Episiotomy Wound Open


New Member

My episiotomy wound all open up right after my first visit to my Gynae a week after birth. Wonder if anyone had similar experience? Please advice if there are. Thanks a lot!

ps. I had posted a similar post in pregnancy section but not much response. Wonder if this should be the correct section? So I repost here.


New Member
I went to her again the moment I saw the open wound with a mirror. I asked her how did that happened but she didn't say anything. What I was sure is before that visit (a week after the birth, I can feel the thread knot(s) and threads when washing), but after the visit, cannot feel the thread knots and the threads all came off during washing. During the visit, my gynae did some cleaning on the episiotomy. That's all I know....


Active Member
so, it's just that the threads are off.. but the wounds are they really opened? i think meanwhile avoid squatting or straining..
Ouchhhhh............ so painful.................... ur gynae so bad !!!!!!!

try to eat Shuang Hor 双鹤花粉.. I'm not sure is it cox of I took this but my wound recover vy soon... not sure normal will take how long to recover but at end of 2nd mth cannot see the wound d..