First time mommies in their late 30s



Hi, I'm wondering if there are any first time mommies in their late 30s out there. Just wondering how you're coping with being a mom at this point of your life, especially when you're a working mom.


Hi, I'm wondering if there are any first time mommies in their late 30s out there. Just wondering how you're coping with being a mom at this point of your life, especially when you're a working mom.
hi Amam mummy

I'm mid 30s, can?

I'm coping well cos we are blessed with a sweet & easy baby. We have a good helper also in her 30s. Together, we can cope with 1 little tot. I work 3 or 4 days per wk.

It was tougher physically in the first 8 mth & when she's unwell. Now I'm able to spend more time playing with her and she can play alone for a little while. I leave her at my mum's or in-laws' place when I work. Sometimes I bring her to work too :001_302:

Our girl is 13+ mth now.

It helps that she's quite fast in development & very sociable so hubs enjoys playing & talking with her now. He didn't do much when she was a wriggly baby.

She's like a mini-me. amazing.


Hi Ping, we're neighbours cos I live in Sembawang. Mayb can hang out some day? Last Dec I just had my 1st baby when I was 36. Have been SAHM since then but will b returning to work in July.

Firstly I'm wondering if being in my late 30s mean that I'm less energetic compared to the younger moms. My 5 mth old baby can just be too tiring to handle. I feel flustered and frustrated easily and sometimes just tired trying to manage him. Now I wonder if I would have any energy left for him when I return to working full time. The worst thing is I don't have someone reliable e.g. mom to rely on to help look after my baby when I'm at work. And if I hire a maid, I would still need someone to supervise the maid. Sigh.... Of cos ideally I would love to look after my baby until at least he is 1 yr old.

You're lucky to have the support and having more time for your girl. If only I can be as lucky... Sigh....

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hi Amam, I am also a working mother in my 30s......I send my son to infant care since he is 5 mths old.....till now he is in PG.

So weekdays I only take care of him at night, and weekends got my hubby to help me take care of him. Moreover, housework is normally done by my hubby while i concentrate on my son......

Now tht my son is 2yrs plus....he is running a lot and yeah sometimes it is difficult trying to catch up with him, but I treat it as exercise....:tlaugh: just enjoy every moment, cos' they r growing up fast.......


Hi Ping, we're neighbours cos I live in Sembawang. Mayb can hang out some day? Last Dec I just had my 1st baby when I was 36. Have been stay at home mum since then but will b returning to work in July.

Firstly I'm wondering if being in my late 30s mean that I'm less energetic compared to the younger moms. My 5 month old baby can just be too tiring to handle. I feel flustered and frustrated easily and sometimes just tired trying to manage him. Sigh.... Of cos ideally I would love to look after my baby until at least he is 1 yr old.
yes, life was a blur in the first 8 mth. I can't recall parts of my life last year. Although I have a helper, I take care of baby at night. So sometimes, I'm a walking zombie during day. I catch up on sleep every Friday.

I think infant care is a good choice. Otherwise, I think there are plenty of babysitters in this neighbourhood. I see so many big families ard. :001_302: u can try babysitter til 1.5 yr, then opt for CC. It's really hard to get a good helper. After seeing my sis's & my 1st maids, I would never trust an infant with them, with or without CCTV. Or do u have a relative who's willing to supervise? My maid is main care-giver as my mum is too busy fighting fire with my nieces. LOL

If yr hubby is supportive, it's possible to cope without a helper. Mine is super lazy. He leaves most chores to helper & me. Just delegate out chores, then u will have enough energy.

Like what phoebii mummy says, time just zooms past us. Now that her boy is older, life is easier.

We have loads of fun with baby every weekend. it'll only be a few more mth before yr boy starts crawling, standing & talking.

Today Christine wanted to brush toy cat's mouth with her toothbrush. Sometimes she'll want to give drink to her toys. so cute. She wants to take my handbag too.

a few more mth, yah? Then it's time to play :)

I can meet up on Mondays sometimes. PM me.
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Hm, infant care? Phoebii, which centre did u send your baby to? I have friends who are against sending their babies to centres cos they scared their babies will fall sick easily cos contact with other babies. How was your experience like?

Ping, my hubby is supportive in other matters like helping to look after our baby but he put his foot down when it comes to doing household chores. So, he thinks that since I can't do a good job at keeping our house clean, a maid will be good. He's also against sending our baby to a babysitter cos he's concerned about the language that our baby will be exposed to.. He's a foreigner and he wants our baby to speak his mother-tongue as a second language. Right now we're communicating with our baby in English.

I need to act fast to settle who should look after our baby. Sigh...


hi Amam mummy

I'm mid 30s, can?

I'm coping well cos we are blessed with a sweet & easy baby. We have a good helper also in her 30s. Together, we can cope with 1 little thought. I work 3 or 4 days per wk.

It was tougher physically in the first 8 month & when she's unwell. Now I'm able to spend more time playing with her and she can play alone for a little while. I leave her at my mum's or in-laws' place when I work. Sometimes I bring her to work too :001_302:

Our girl is 13+ month now.

It helps that she's quite fast in development & very sociable so hubs enjoys playing & talking with her now. He didn't do much when she was a wriggly baby.

She's like a mini-me. amazing.
am mid 30s as well - but still on maternity leave, baby coming 2 months

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hm, infant care? Phoebii, which centre did you send your baby to? I have friends who are against sending their babies to centres cos they scared their babies will fall sick easily cos contact with other babies. How was your experience like?

Ping, my hubby is supportive in other matters like helping to look after our baby but he put his foot down when it comes to doing household chores. So, he thinks that since I can't do a good job at keeping our house clean, a maid will be good. He's also against sending our baby to a babysitter cos he's concerned about the language that our baby will be exposed to.. He's a foreigner and he wants our baby to speak his mother-tongue as a second language. Right now we're communicating with our baby in English.

I need to act fast to settle who should look after our baby. Sigh...[/quot

Hi Amam, if you hv good recommendation of babysitter, yes would prefer to put bb there....cos in infant care, when my son was there, the teachers told me tht within the first 3wks they will fall sick....and it is so. It is heartpain to see my son getting sick, but no choice, I hv no one to help me and i don't like the idea of being responsible for another person in my house.....

But so far my son does enjoys himself there, cos' he fall sick quite often, I do give him multivits too to boost up his immunity. So far he has not really fallen sick that often like when he was younger...........

At the infant care they teach him painting, drawing, pasting, songs, rhymes, activities too like outdoor walks etc....

So it depends on you. There is always a good & bad to everything

But the best is if you can stay home to take care of your bb yourself


New Member
Hi mummies,

I am also a first time mum in my 30s. I'm a SAHM for now, freelancing whenever there are any suitable projects. I'm looking for a job cos I don't think I am cut out to be a good SAHM. I am grateful to have the chance to be with my baby almost 24/7 ever since she was born but I do realise I miss the "outside world" too.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member
Hi mummies,

I am also a first time mum in my 30s. I'm a stay at home mum for now, freelancing whenever there are any suitable projects. I'm looking for a job cos I dont't think I am cut out to be a good stay at home mum. I am grateful to have the chance to be with my baby almost 24/7 ever since she was born but I do realise I miss the "outside world" too.

how old is your child?


New Member

I was 35 when i delivered my daughter in oct last year.

Very tiring i find, dunno whether got stamina to catch up with her next time. She wasn't planned for but she's definitely a blessing.

Phoebii Cheng

Well-Known Member

I was 35 when i delivered my daughter in oct last year.

Very tiring i find, dont know whether got stamina to catch up with her next time. She wasn't planned for but she's definitely a blessing.
Just take things will have stamina when the time comes....:tlaugh:


I feel tired & zombied cos my 19mth old still wakes up for milk feeds. There were some nights that she was asleep by the time I picked her up from my mum's place. Felt so sad.

I try to bring her out as often as I can.

We've been so tired & busy; I think I only read a few books to her for the last few weeks. There was a period of time that I used to read to her every night.

Coming back to a happy baby is indescribable joy and blessing :)


Active Member
Hi there, mid 30-s can ? Honestly just like what you guys were saying I really can't recall what happened in her 1st 12 mths!!!! I got MIL to look after my girl but she needs her off days and special occasion Thingy. So it was stressful for me. I got a taxing job as a finance Mgr. It didn't help that I need to work very late. By the time I got home my girl is asleep and during weekends, I am dead tired. So I am super guilty about the bonding stuff. But thank god, she loves me most. I make it a point that I am the carer when she is sick.

Many times, I wonder how those successful career woman can juggle between work & young kids. Sometimes I thought I am lousy so that' s why I cannot cope well. Lucky my husband helps with the housework .

Recently I decided to take the plunge to resign cos the workload is crazy. Imagine I hv to do my boss's job on strategic planning, daily stuff.. But I know I am not that SAHM . I go crazy. My girl is 2 hrs old Liao :) once I settle her at CC I start to look for another job..

Not too good a resume later but it is the promise of unconditional love... If u know what I mean :)

Sembawang? I'm at woodlands- can I join d gathering :)


Hi there, mid 30-s can ? Honestly just like what you guys were saying I really can't recall what happened in her 1st 12 mths!!!!

Many times, I wonder how those successful career woman can juggle between work & young kids. Sometimes I thought I am lousy so that' s why I cannot cope well. Lucky my husband helps with the housework .

Recently I decided to take the plunge to resign cos the workload is crazy... But I know I am not that SAHM . I go crazy. My girl is 2 hrs old Liao :) once I settle her at CC I start to look for another job..

Sembawang? I'm at woodlands- can I join d gathering :)

welcome :)

me too. I also wonder how'd working mums w many kids do it, ar?

I envy you. u can stay home & look after yr girl. But I can't do it without helper. hee. Doing hsework is so tiring. I'm also planning to some changes to my work next yr :)

will PM u later or tmw


New Member
Hi, I'm wondering if there are any first time mommies in their late 30s out there. Just wondering how you're coping with being a mom at this point of your life, especially when you're a working mom.
Hi! I'm also a first-time late-30's mom haha... finally got preggy n delivered my bb girl when I was 36! She's now 17 months old and I'm already 38! My god time flies faster than the wind!! Am I like the oldest one here haha?


New Member
Hi MamaMyra,

I'm just a wee bit younger so don't worry. I delivered when i was 35. Baby now 17 mths plus too. Where do u stay? I'm in the east. Looking for playmates for my gal cos friends kids all around 5 yrs old, all don't like playing with her. So poor thing!


Hi MamaMyra,

I'm just a wee bit younger so don't worry. I delivered when i was 35. Baby now 17 mths plus too. Where do u stay? I'm in the east. Looking for playmates for my gal cos friends kids all around 5 yrs old, all don't like playing with her. So poor thing!
hi hi

I'm wee bit older than u. I'm also looking for same-age playmates for my girl (23mth) cos my friends have many kids (no need & no time to go out) or kid is much older. I can only go out on Fri cos it's my off day. PM u later...