FTWMs, how often is your OT & how long it is???


mine is almost daily coz i m working in call centre, high turnovers... but i m glad that i was not being "forced" to do OT coz i m pregnant... i used to do OT 24/7 before i was pregnant... hee...
B4 the stupid recession news was announced, I use to be able to clock like at least 30 hours of OT. Highest I clocked was 60 hours in a month. When receive pay, shiok...

Now after the stupid recession news, OT cut, I clock only about 10 to 15 hours. And no OT pay! Only allow us to claim time off. Stupid! That means less of about $300 plus a mth at least!


B4 the stupid recession news was announced, I use to be able to clock like at least 30 hours of OT. Highest I clocked was 60 hours in a month. When receive pay, shiok...

Now after the stupid recession news, OT cut, I clock only about 10 to 15 hours. And no OT pay! Only allow us to claim time off. Stupid! That means less of about $300 plus a mth at least!
Eh... You like doing OT? For me, I dun like doing OT even if I am paid coz I very much prefer a healthy work-life balance. When it is time to go home, I want to go home. I dun like staying back. I dun like having to rush through my daily routine at home. I am one of those who likes to go off on the DOT. Haha!


mine is almost daily coz i m working in call centre, high turnovers... but i m glad that i was not being "forced" to do OT coz i m pregnant... i used to do OT 24/7 before i was pregnant... hee...
Gasps! Did u just say 24/7???!!! I avoid call centre jobs coz I can't stand the sound of phones ringing non-stop all the time. It leads to an occupational hazard, i.e. when you are at home, you keep on hearing the phone ring even though it is not ringing at all... And you keep on pressing '9' to make an outgoing call... And you have the tendency to say "Good morning. This is xxx speaking. How may I assist you today?" Does this sounds familiar???


OT here refers to 30 mins after the official knock-off hour.
I OT everyday... :tlaugh:
Used to about 3 hrs daily, after preggie i try to leave earlier... perhaps OT 1.5hrs only. But i have twice a week call with US at night... sometimes can drag till 11plus... :tno:

think next time i can multi-task, feed my baby and take call at the same time! :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
my job, NO OT PAY!!!! and cannot leave on the dot, cos boss n colleagues will frown at u.

anyway, if realli wanna calculate, my official work hours are 7am to 1.30pm. but i work from 7am till 5-6pm (but not everyday). last time at another office was worse, 7am to 7pm, sometimes even later everyday.


my job, NO OT PAY!!!! and cannot leave on the dot, cos boss n colleagues will frown at u.

anyway, if realli wanna calculate, my official work hours are 7am to 1.30pm. but i work from 7am till 5-6pm (but not everyday). last time at another office was worse, 7am to 7pm, sometimes even later everyday.
Oh my goodness! So terrible!!! Is that a Japanese company or what? Last time I worked in a famous Japanese company & my boss told me he does not like to see me leaving early! (Official knock-off time was 5:30pm & I left about 6:15pm or so). And he would tell me how he used to stay back EVERYDAY to work for his boss, how he rose through the ranks, blah blah blah. Just shut up, who's interested in listening to your story?! Just because you have NO life does not mean I must be like u!
Eh... You like doing OT? For me, I dun like doing OT even if I am paid coz I very much prefer a healthy work-life balance. When it is time to go home, I want to go home. I dun like staying back. I dun like having to rush through my daily routine at home. I am one of those who likes to go off on the DOT. Haha!
Its not that I like doing OT or what. Its just that my job requires OT and confirm will have OT 1. But now OT cannot be claimed in $$$ anymore and off hours... Sian...


Well-Known Member
Oh my goodness! So terrible!!! Is that a Japanese company or what?
hahaha. it's a terrible job that many shun but some love to bits.
i guess i'm one of those tt love it to bits even though pay is low n work is alot. job satisfaction is very high :)