Help. Bm and Fm


New Member
Hi all,

My baby is 8 Days old and she is doing perfectly fine on TBM.

my hubby and mother in law is suggesting to me to give her FM+breast milk (FM in the night, breast milk in the Morning; vice versa) so as to ' prepare' her if one day my supply were to dry up. Their concern was that when the time comes when i have no more breast milk, she will reject FM. So far, i have not heard of babies rejecting Fm but only Bottles.

She was hospitalized previously with Juandice and had no problem drinking EBM from the bottle during her 2 days stay there.

I am totally against this idea as a mother, i will always want the best for my baby. But on the other hand, they claimed that all their kids grew up fine with FM and breast milk.

How can i convince them to not let my baby touch FM any time soon (for at least 6 months). I will be going back to work only in Feb.

Mummies, Advise pls. Appreciate.

Thank you


Well-Known Member
If u continue to latch/pump, your supply will not dry up unless u choose not to continue :)

Actually, my son is one who rejected FM... to date still refused to drink any brand of FM.

You can point them to WHO's website on BF recommendations

When all fails, I use "the doctor" as as excuse, as in "the doctor says don't need to give FM so fast"... "the doctor advised against ....", (u get the gist?)
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I think it is possible to not feed FM for the next 6 mths of your baby's life. But since you're going back to work, you'd have to be additionally hardworking to express extra milk to freeze because when you start work, chances are your supply will start to decrease. That was for my case.

Agree with camom that as long as you continue to breastfeed, your supply will not dry up. The body works on a demand and supply system to produce milk.

Even on FM tins there's always a note by WHO printed on it where it recommends that breastmilk is the BEST for the baby.

Anyway, FM has stages. Stage 1 FM will taste differently from stage 2 FM, where stage 2 FM is for after 6 mths. So, even if your baby starts stage 1 FM now, there's still a possibility that she will reject the stage 2 FM. So it doesn't mean that if she starts now, means she will continue to accept it later.

If come to worse they really insisit, you could intro just 1 feed of FM. You could use NAN which is one of the FM that I was told is closest to BM.

Maybe your mil is jealous that she won't get to feed baby? Because when you breastfeed, you're the only person who is able to feed and carry during the feed. :p


Active Member
My MIL also insisted that i introduce FM to my baby girl when we were in the hospital. My parents also encouraged to introduce 1 FM feed in the night to 'get her started and used' to FM so that she will not reject FM when i return to work or my supply decreases.

I insisted on my way, which is to total BF her for at least 2 months before i think of introducing FM; and it's a timeline which i will look to extending. In addition, i also insist on 100% latch on during the initial 6-8 weeks before introducing the bottle. (but of course, it will be more tiring for me and it's like the baby 'forever tied' to me)

I explained to my parents who took it much easier, but my MIL tried to 'sneak' feed her FM whilst i was taking a nap. At the end of the day, it is us who are parents and naturally we would want the best for our child.

I can understand the rationale behind introducing FM so that the baby will not reject FM in future, but i believe at the initial period of my child's life, it is essential that she gets the required nutrients from BM which cannot be replaced by FM.

just my 2 cents


New Member
Thank you all mummies for all your reply. I understand their concern of baby starving if she is gonna reject FM in time to come.

I think they need to understand that BM is a demand and supply thing and it will not dry up suddenly hence leaving baby hungry.

I have decided to seek professional advice on this and let them understand that I am not being stubborn by not giving in to FM at such a young age but its for the good of my baby.( Since they feel that being a first time parents, i am inexperienced.)

They want me to feel my baby S-26 as it is a old brand and everybody including my hubby drank that.


I think it is possible to not feed FM for the next 6 mths of your baby's life. But since you're going back to work, you'd have to be additionally hardworking to express extra milk to freeze because when you start work, chances are your supply will start to decrease. That was for my case.

Agree with camom that as long as you continue to breastfeed, your supply will not dry up. The body works on a demand and supply system to produce milk.

Even on FM tins there's always a note by WHO printed on it where it recommends that breastmilk is the BEST for the baby.

Anyway, FM has stages. Stage 1 FM will taste differently from stage 2 FM, where stage 2 FM is for after 6 mths. So, even if your baby starts stage 1 FM now, there's still a possibility that she will reject the stage 2 FM. So it doesn't mean that if she starts now, means she will continue to accept it later.

If come to worse they really insisit, you could intro just 1 feed of FM. You could use NAN which is one of the FM that I was told is closest to breast milk.

Maybe your mother in law is jealous that she won't get to feed baby? Because when you breastfeed, you're the only person who is able to feed and carry during the feed. :p
you hit bingo for my case!! Even baby never poo also is due to my BM... till i told her i everyday LS... cant be the food i eat....wahahah
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Hahaha.. Sometimes I really wonder why they so jealous. Also not say don't allow them to carry worr...


Well-Known Member
One of the main causes of decreased supply is the introduction of other foods in the babies diet like semi-solids and formula. So really, it doesn't make sense for you to introduce FM if you're worried about your supply dipping.

Like diymummy said, the introduction of FM in an infant before 6 mths WILL NOT guarantee that that particular baby will develop no allergies to FM and so forth. Allergies and rejection can take weeks to show up.

About two weeks or earlier, if possible, start religiously pumping and taking in lots of fluid and carbs to maintain if not increase your supply slightly.

If they were to tell you that all their kids are okay and such, tell them that other people's kids are other people's kids. Each person is unique.