How much is hair transplant in Singapore?


New Member
I am just wondering how much is the price per graft for hair transplant in Singapore? I read that it cost $5-8 per graft but i am not sure if its expensive to have it in Singapore or in Thailand?

Any idea? thanks :wong19:


New Member
A hair transplant in Singapore is around $5-$7. It varies for every clinic where you have it done and the surgeon who will perform the procedure. In Thailand you can get it at around $3-$5. But you should never make your decision based on price alone. Do your homework and check for the quality of results that a particular clinic or surgeon is known to produce. The price may be a major factor but don't let it be your priority by opting for a cheaper one but undermining results. Know hoe how to find the most value for your money with hair transplants that priced at a reasonable cost. I actually found this article that you might find helpful: Singapore Aesthetic and Hair Transplant Clinic: Hair Transplant Cost in Singapore

good luck on your search!


New Member
Hi, hair transplant cost in Singapore is around $5-$7 per graft depending on where you have it done, or the hair transplant surgeon who performed it. In Thailand, the cost for every graft is around $3-$5. The total would depend on other factors such as consultation fee, surgeon's fee and theatre fee. But I would suggest that you do your homework extensively. Don't let the price of a hair transplant dictate your final decision, but rather go for the quality of results. I found this site which could probably help you on your search:

best of luck!
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