Hw to enjoy swimming?

HI all mummies,

I am planning to let me gal try swimming this wkn. She will be turning 1, a week later. We bought float for her.

we are taking her to bb pool...I had nt been swimming since i was pregnant with her till nw.

So anyone can advise hw high is the water level for her...

what shld i do to ensure we had a good time?


just a shallow one, not until the chin level becoz they may be frightened...somewhere at the waist level will be fine. (most bb pool is somewhere there)

make sure she dun get scared during the session, put her in water slowly. If she is afraid let her play with water a bit first (splash on the toes, hands etc) before going into the pool. Once she starts to be curious and is not afraid then u can put her into a float and let her swim around...just take it one step at a time. Also remember to keep her warm when outta water with towels. Rem to apply sunblock (spf 50 esp for babies, u can get them in all major bb stores) She is not walking on her own yet rite? If not, its better to go along with older kids or more pple around so that its more like a family outing/gathering and they can also help to look after yr bb girl as well as play with her.

have fun swimming!
cancanmum, thank you!

Yes, she nt yet knw hw to walk & this wkn we are celebrating her 1st b'dae... ...Hope she will like the session. It will be me & BB only as hub will off for wrk and didnt want to miss this gd oppor for her since the pool is juz infront of the chalet we rented.

I am think whether to let her wear a t-shirt to prevent her frm getting cold...will it helps?

Getting so excited... ...


think it will not and it will make her uncomfy coz when wet will stick to her swimming costume and restrict her movements.

u can buy those swimming costume that is like a diving suit, those kind will keep them warm when in water. There are sizes for 1 yr olds too.

oh i tot u r going to a public pool.

in that case still ok coz u wrap her with towel then chop chop go bathing, since so near!

ok if u can handle her alone. just slowly no need to rush. let her overcome the fear of water and she will enjoy it.

last time we brought my boy to swim in deep pool...on board star virgo, when he was around 1.5 yr old (can walk alr), then my hb started immersing him in water! wah he was so scared now he dun dare to go swimming pool liaozzz.. but he does njoy the jacuzzi tho...coz of the bubbles.
I prepare her for this event alr bt I dun noe if it helps, i started to pour water slowly frm her head whenever i bath her & tell her that when swimming also will be like this... ...hahaha!!! Sound weird hor...


errrmmmm...does sound kindof weird...heehee...dun wori lah they will njoy it 1.

some pple br infants to swim, one of my colleagues did that...he says helps to bring back their memory of being inside the womb...dunno if its true...

but infant how to bring swimming? unless u got a private pool.


Active Member
keep her close to the steps... in the float. you can begin by putting her onthe first step of the pool, let her have a feel of it first before putting her into the float.

HI all mummies,

I am planning to let me gal try swimming this wkn. She will be turning 1, a week later. We bought float for her.

we are taking her to bb pool...I had nt been swimming since i was pregnant with her till nw.

So anyone can advise hw high is the water level for her...

what shld i do to ensure we had a good time?
i read yr earlier threads...

anyway, is yr bb girl still blinking her eyes often?

Hi! CancanMum

Now she wont blink so often. Bt once in a while she will do it lor...my limit is abt 3 blinks, i will pinch her lor then she will do it again for twice den will stop. If scold her worse, she do it again & again, so i talk to her in firm tone & pinch her eyes once she will gradually stop.


hahas, have to be firm to stop the bad habit..

hows the swimming outing, was it this weekend or next weekend?
Hi cancan,

is on 24Oct (fri) Is her 1st b'dae celebration...

my gal didnt get the chance to swim as she cant get used to sleep in unfamiliar place. so we bought her back home...tiring dae.

Bt I am planning for 1 swimming trip for her...hehe!


Active Member
Hi cancan,

is on 24Oct (fri) Is her 1st b'dae celebration...

my gal didnt get the chance to swim as she cant get used to sleep in unfamiliar place. so we bought her back home...tiring dae.

Bt I am planning for 1 swimming trip for her...hehe!

helo, me brought my son to swim ytd at CCK stadium. there is 1 baby pool, 1 children pool. the baby pool my son don like cos it is too low. . . hahaha... he want to splash the water while swimming.

so we stay in the children pool. if he stand, the water level is up to his waist level. His height is at 73cm now...

can view the pics here. . .
my babies: Swimming
wow....seems so fun.

i want to let her try soon leh...bt nwadays weather nt good...i also worry she will catch cold. will see when is the best time.:)


Active Member
haha, i also scare so i bought him the swimming suit like t-shirt, cover more ma....

only swim for 30 mins max cos water cold, anyway, u have to take them out the water once u see them start to tremble liao.

have fun!