Kids taking planes for the 1st time.


Dear mummies,
Need some help and advise.I will be taking my kids to HK as this will be their 1st time taking planes,I was quite worried about the sudden change in altitude when taking off & landing.I can still remenber my 1st flight experience as a child that my ear drum felt like exploding & cried so badly.
Any ideals what are the ways to counter this problem?



Well-Known Member
sweets or milk or yur boobs if they r still on BF.
let them suckle on something to ease themselves.


Well-Known Member
we're just bk from KL. on the plane, ds cried v badly during taking off and landing. esp come bk, he didnt cry during taking off but cried during the last 30min.

when the ear pressure comes, then he started crying but by the time, too late to gif him water, cos he only 'focus' on the ear pressure and just kept crying non-stop.

if ur kids are old enough to understand "drink water", shd be okay. cos ds is still too young to understand water will makes him feel better and just pushed the bottle away. so we gonna made him lie down and pour some water into his mouth.