Looking for anything for BB boy


New Member
Hi all,

My boy is due in Dec maybe end Nov. If there is anything you have please do gimme a shout.

At the same time, we will pay it forward by giving away things collected to those in need. For the moment we have extra stroller. Given by my neighbour but not suitable for New Born Baby. Condition not that new but very usable. FOC, and if you need us to delivery we can try subjected to our availabilty.

We are have bought some (6 sets) NB clothes, not sure if its enough. Other then that we have just bought new sterilser.

Things that we are looking for if possible (but of course if needed we can give a token sum)
1. Cot / Playpen
2. breast pump
3. Gloves and booties
4. clothes
5. Bath tub
6. changing table
7. Stroller

Actually we have no idea what else is needed.

Please contact us at 90115357

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