Maid or Infant care?


New Member
Hi dear mummies,

I am going back to work in the next couple of months, I have a maid now but I feel that my daughter will be so bored cooped up with her everyday for such long hours so I am reconsidering and thinking about enrolling her in an infant care. Cherie hearts at Brighton crest? Anyone knows if this infant care is good or bad?? Or if I should just keep the maid?

The house is always empty except with another maid (my mother-in-law's) and even though I told them not to converse in their langugage in front of baby, I always catch them doing it!

What should I do??? :(


Personally I find if n only if a family member oversees the maids then perhaps it's ok to put in their care... But u hv to live with their accent n language n tendency to do things their way regardless of how often u correct them.
I let go my maid after 7 mths of her service. Too much trouble, unreliable n inconvenient presence in the home... Now I hv to clean my house myself but I'm a happier person. :)
Infant care is a good place for our babies to socialize n learn independence. Structured as well n standardized hygiene. Pain point? Germs spread like wildfire. :) it's really up to wat u can tolerate better... Maid or infant care ..


I agreed with Rye - there's Pros and Cons in both under Maid and Infant Care. It's up to individual preference. For me, after much evaluation I go for Maid Care.


I having maid care. she's pretty reliable n doesn't mix w other maids. and I ask my mom to come irregularly. just to check on her.

so far. I am quite thankful for having a maid. cos when I come home, ican just focus on playing n spending time w my bb. dun need to worry abt hangin clothes, ironing clothes or even sweeping the floor. =)


main concern on infant care is the spread of germs/virus/illness which is also true among child care centers so i got a maid. having a maid has adtl advantage - no need to do household chores after work which means more time for the kids


I have worked in an infant care before. I felt that the staff i had was caring and reliable. I have heard of teachers who are uncaring and heard horrible stories about them. Infants in infant care are not that much cared differently than we do at home. Difference is that the physical environment in an infant care is designed to be child friendly and engaging. Some good infant care even have story teling sessions, singing sessions, good menu and excellent toys, i have seen this in an infant care in orchard road. That infant care is owned by an ex-nurse so she knows a lot about babies and she personally cooked the babies' food daily. Having said that, the downside of infant care is that your infant will fall sick very frequently. Their immune system is not strong as a toddler for example. Only when the child is about 3 years old then they tend to fall ill lesser. Even during 18 months to 2.5 months, they do fall ill quite often in childcare. I definitely won't choose a maid because of many reasons. If i have a choice I will take care of my infant myself. Whatever it is, all these are personal preferences which you have to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. I hope my contribution helps.


This is a very difficult question , and one that I am dealing with personally . I am on mat Leave now , but will be having to join work in a few months time . I am really confused at this time , as most good infant cares needs a few
Months notice. , so we need to decide soon .
What are the good recommended infant care centers in CBD area ?


New Member
Hi, thanks for all the replies.

I have decided to look after my girl myself after so much of consideration and also because I want to try to conceive again soon. I have a maid but she rarely looks after my daughter, only when I'm not around. After 10 months of battling with this problem, I honestly feel that if I had to choose, I would send her to an infant care. I think I grew very possessive of her since I'm her main caretaker for so long, I think it's very heartbreaking when she starts to choose the maid over me sometimes. I know they say that it's good because it means that the maid loves her but I think my maid is a little extreme. Even when my family is spending time with my daughter, she always butts in and seem to like it that my daughter would prefer her over my other family members (whom she don't see often), I don't like it. And when I go out with my friends.. My family members always ask me to bring my maid along to carry my stuff but it is so irritating to have a shadow following you everywhere!! I'd rather do everything myself. Not used to this invasion of privacy. Even after close to half a year.

At least in an infant care, she is not attached to that one person and she gets to socialise with other babies. I know that they might fall sick easily now but I've also heard that this builds up their immune system and when they grow older, they are actually stronger against viruses. Not sure how true that is. Anyway, I heard that CBD infant cares standard very high but I think they charge more too, maybe you can consider putting your child in an infant care near your house? At least she don't have to travel to and fro with you? Quite shiong leh.