My drama princess - Eva Li-Ann


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies....

Sorry not online for a few days. Got major drama regarding my labour and spent nearly five days in the hospital. Just got back from hospital today and coping with swollen boobs (my milk is starting to come in), baby and all the usual stuff la...

YES, I gave birth liao but it was very unexpected...

My water bag broke on Monday, 530 am so pergi hospital but since got no contractions and just BH, they admitted me for monitoring and if nothing happens in 24 hours, they will induce on Tuesday morning 6am. So as expected, nothing happened so they induced at 6am and again at noon because I was just 2 cm dilated. But by 2pm plus, I was in pretty bad pain so my HB asked them to see if I was in labour. They checked the cervix - dilated at 3cm so can go to the delivery area but then the doc and midwife discovered something as well.

My baby was in the complete breech position (!!!); her bum and not her head was down - something totally unexpected because from all the previous checks, even right up to before the water bag broke, her head was down. So I had no choice but to go for an emergency c-sec with epidural - aiiii, all that pain and I still ended up in the operating theatre.

So yeah, Eva Li-Ann Grousson joined us on 21 July at 1625 pm via c-sec. She measured 2.76kg and 47 cm (length) at birth. :smile:


New Member
Congratulation meiteoh on your new bundle of joy !! Really sorry to hear that u had to go for C-sect after all the pain u went thru..

Hope u recover soon and rest well. Remember u had a c-sect so alot of 'pantang'.... Take care !!


Well-Known Member
Thanks far, everything is okay...tomorrow the midwife is coming over to take out the stitches, and my breastfeeding is going well - in fact, I think one of my boobs is full so need her to feed from it more...

Here are a couple of pics taken right after the delivery...



Well-Known Member
Thanks far, everything is okay...tomorrow the midwife is coming over to take out the stitches, and my breastfeeding is going well - in fact, I think one of my boobs is full so need her to feed from it more...

Here are a couple of pics taken right after the delivery...

Sooo lovely!!!!!!!! Congrats darling!! :) Rest well ya!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks ladies!!!

Now my biggest trial is not so much the confinement but the breastfeeding - my nipples don't really hurt much any more which is good but it looks like I exchanged one evil for another. My boobs feel weird like something is squeezing something and this happens when I breastfeed or am full of milk. Dunno if it's just normal or milk duct issues.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ladies!!!

Now my biggest trial is not so much the confinement but the breastfeeding - my nipples dont't really hurt much any more which is good but it looks like I exchanged one evil for another. My boobs feel weird like something is squeezing something and this happens when I breastfeed or am full of milk. dont know if it's just normal or milk duct issues.
That sounds normal to me... Usually feel that when a letdown occurs...


W0ot! I just knew you go give birth liaoz! :D

Selamat! Congratulations! Wow that was really something unexpected huh, to realize the baby was in breech position. Is it not a practice to scan before labour? o_O

You have a lovely baby gal, meiteoh, I'm really happy for you. Best wishes to you and the baby! :blaugh:
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Hi ladies....

Sorry not online for a few days. Got major drama regarding my labour and spent nearly five days in the hospital. Just got back from hospital today and coping with swollen boobs (my milk is starting to come in), baby and all the usual stuff ...

YES, I gave birth but it was very unexpected...

My water bag broke on Monday, 530 am so pergi hospital but since got no contractions and just BH, they admitted me for monitoring and if nothing happens in 24 hours, they will induce on Tuesday morning 6am. So as expected, nothing happened so they induced at 6am and again at noon because I was just 2 cm dilated. But by 2pm plus, I was in pretty bad pain so my husband asked them to see if I was in labour. They checked the cervix - dilated at 3cm so can go to the delivery area but then the doc and midwife discovered something as well.

My baby was in the complete breech position (!!!); her bum and not her head was down - something totally unexpected because from all the previous checks, even right up to before the water bag broke, her head was down. So I had no choice but to go for an emergency c-sec with epidural - aiiii, all that pain and I still ended up in the operating theatre.

So yeah, Eva Li-Ann Grousson joined us on 21 July at 1625 pm via c-sec. She measured 2.76kg and 47 cm (length) at birth. :smile:
WAH!!! CONGRATS~~~!!! I am so happy for you!!! No wonder I was wondering why didn't you logged in for so long... Shower lotsa baby dust on me wun you?

Your gal has such BIG eyes & prominent double eye lids! I am so jealous. :p And she looks distinctly ang moh. Xiao mei nu!
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