Neurogain S Vegicaps


New Member
HI I have 5 Bottles of Neurogain S vegicaps for sale, all bottles unopened

Each bottle has 30 vegicaps

Bought through Gyne but unfortunately did not need to use them all

So give your little one the best start

normal price is $40per bottle so get yourself a good deal at 5 for $125

Pick up Bukit Batok

NeuroGain "S" DHA supplement for pregnant and breast-feeding women helps provide you with the daily requirement of DHA that may be lacking in your diet.

DHA is an important nutrient for your baby during pregnancy and while you are breast-feeding. Each NeuroGain "S" vegetable softgel capsule provides 383mg of DHA. By taking one easy to swallow NeuroGain "S" softgel per day, you can meet the recommended level of DHA for pregnancy and breast-feeding. This ensures that your baby will receive the proper amount of DHA in addition to most pre-natal vitamins

Pregnancy and breastfeeding place tremendous demands on your body and can deplete your own omega 3 fatty acids.Both Omega 3 and Omega 6 Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential but our body requires them in a ratio that is not normally achieved by the typical diet of today’s industralized nation. They must be consumed regularly as our body has limited storage for them”.

