New york skin solution scam

i am also a victim of NYSS. Early this month, i upgraded a package after YET ANOTHER hardselling session where they lock you in a room till you surrender and sign up a package.
I went back to the outlet within the same day to request for a cancellation and refund. The branch manager refused and kept saying they need to seek their management. I've had a few phone calls with them these 2 weeks but each time they keep saying that some specialist will call me up but it has never happened. Now they say their specialist wanna meet me. I'm sure nothing will come out of that session and they will give the same old excuses. They just have no intention of refunding even though i havent even used a single session. Goodness!!!

Looking at all these posts, i think there's even enough to do a newspaper report on them! This company has affected so many consumers in both Sg & Msia.

I'm super angry and had enough of their nonsense and time-wasting antics. I will be going to claims tribunal in the last week of Dec.

Does anyone have any guidance/similar experience on how to get refund back? I have not used any of the upgraded package. Would much appreciate any advice.

Thank you to everyone who shared their experience - we have a duty to let others know the tactics used by this company.