Our anniversary baby - Sep 2, 2009


Sarah Rekha decided to come early and make our 2nd wedding anniversary truly special. My husband now has no excuse to forget our anniversary and his daughter's birthday :)

I was totally unprepared when my waterbag broke in the office at around 10.30am. My sister, who also works in the same office as me, drove me to KK where we met my husband. As I had no contractions I was a bit confused and in denial that I was in labor. Besides, she was only 36 weeks and 2 days old and was supposed to be due end September.

We reached KK at about 11.30am and I was immediately admitted to the delivery suite. Luckily I had time to pee before they strapped the monitors on me. My gynae came at about 1215pm and told me I was 4cm dilated. She predicted that I would deliver by 3-4pm as my cervix was very soft. Shortly after, I felt the first contraction, which felt like there was a lot of pressure on my bladder. Super uncomfortable.

My gynae asked if I wanted epidural and I said yes immediately as the pain was greater than I thought I could handle and I had forgotten all my breathing techniques and could not relax. Unfortunately, after consulting with the anesthetist, it was decided that it would be too risky for me to have epidural as I had only stopped taking aspirin (to prevent preeclampsia) three days before instead of the recommended 7 days (who knew that the baby would come earlier). I was offered another pain relief drug via IV that I could administer myself. However, like the gas they provide, the drug only offers about 50-60% pain relief. The first dose was heavenly and I felt like floating but as my contractions got closer and stronger, even that was not effective.

At about 3pm, my gynae came back and told me I was 10 cm dilated so I could start pushing. I pushed for close to 45 minutes but unfortunately the baby did not descend so I had to undergo an emergency c-section. Poor hubby could not enter the operating room with me and had to wait outside, fretting about the risks that were listed in the document they made me sign before the op.

I was placed under local anesthesia (which was administered via an injection into my spine). The pain relief was immediate but left me shivering from cold. I could have a conversation with my gynae and the operating team who worked behind a green curtain they put up on my chest. Suddenly, I noticed one of the doctors get up onto the operating table and press my tummy. I asked her why she was pressing my tummy and she told me she was getting the baby out. True enough, a few seconds later at 1658 hours, they showed me my baby (still covered in vernix and blood) above the curtain. I will never forget my first sight of her and how she cried. After cleaning her up, they brought her to me again to kiss before sending her to the nursery to meet her daddy.

It took a while to stitch me back up and I was then wheeled to the recovery room where I was kept slightly longer than the usual 45 minutes as I had not recovered any sensation from the chest down. However, the nurse noticed that I was moving my legs (although I could not feel them moving). Anyway, I was finally wheeled to the ward where I met my hubby and sister.

It was a dramatic end to my first pregnancy but it was so worth it. :)


congrats k-mom! really dramatic pregnancy but it's nice to see ur baby le! enjoy confinement and motherhood ^^ still waiting for my lovely one to pop out.. but after looking at so many mothers' birth story, i start to scared abt delivering.. hope i wont faint on the spot :S


well done k-mom.... your daughter really chose a great day to greet u 2... no excuse for your hubby to save on pressie.. LOL...

your "My gynae asked if I wanted epidural and I said yes immediately as the pain was greater than I thought I could handle" makes me wanna say yes yes yes to epidural...

take care & rest well


Active Member

Wow yours is the first story I heard of the mother being awake during an Emergency Csect. Maybe different hospital different procedures. I was told by my gynae in TMC, all emergency csects are done with GA given to mothers.

Anyhow, hope you have a speedy recovery! :)


thanks everyone.

joanna, i was lucky that things happened so unexpectedly and progressed so fast or i would also faint from fear as i'm the sort who worries a lot :)

hakisumi, it depends on the individual's tolerance level but my gynae told me no need to be a hero if i cannot take the pain. in my case, however, i still had no choice but to bear the pain. at least i know next time i would want epi.

tika, i think they didn't put me under GA because of i had been taking aspirin so it may have been too risky. anyway, it was really surreal hearing them operating on me and talking to them. even my gynae said i was the first patient she had that asked so many questions during the procedure. hehe. but when she said that i stopped asking questions so as not to distract them when they stitched me up :p