princess Gerilyn's arrival

finally have the tym 2 settle down & write this, sort of late;) well, i began my story then...

went 4 my routine checkup with Dr Lawrence Ang on 040509. he asked if i experienced any pain/ discomfort etc, i told him no. nurse helped me do a CTG scan (was that CTG or what, i forgot)...lied on the bed for about 1/2 hr or so i guessed? nurse passed the result 2 Dr Ang & immediately, he requested 2 see me once again. i was scared, coz i tot there's something wrong. he told me that i should feel the contraction (already dilate 2cm) and that i was ready 2 give birth. i didnt have any pain or what, just normal stomachach over the weekends. he said he will call @ nite becoz after certain timing, hosp will charge as next day. while having dinner with my mum & bro around 9pm+, received Dr Ang's call 2 ask me get ready. all 3 of us tot it's a prank call so i decided 2 call him back 2 clarify;) admitted into TMC @ 11.30pm (had my 'last' bath at home before going 2 the hosp).

nurse @ TMC brought me 2 the observation ward @ 8am (still 2cm dilate). inside the observation ward, enema was 'injected' into my anus 2 help clear my intestine (gota make sure inside everything cleared). waited 5mins & rushed 2 the toilet immediately! after which i was on drip. kept wanting 2 pass urine, nurse didnt allow me 2 go toilet coz of the drip. she gave me those 'toilet seat' so i can pass urine in it from the bed. sobsob got scolded by the nurse becoz everytym she gave me the 'seat', i never passed urine (too paiseh & not used). another kind nurse used a tube 2 draw the urine out instead, it worked & after that, dilation went to 7cm! so can i conclude that it's the urine that didnt allow dilation?
pain started @ 11am; the pain was like 50X of mense cramp!!! now i understood why pple said 'mum r very noble'. hubby saw me cry (1st tym i cried coz of pain; i have high tolerance 2 pain) & struggle. he kept asking me 2 inject epidural, of coz i didnt agree.

was pushed 2 the labour ward around 2pm. Dr Ang & nurses kept asking me 2 push, but again, i paiseh. i thought i was going 2 pass motion coz the feeling...then hubby 'scolded' me; said must try and even if passed motion also nevermind (hehe i forgot enema was used in the observation ward). wanted 2 opt 4 c-sect coz i really cant stand the pain. i shouted loudly that if within 5mins baby haven come out, i will go 4 c-sect. then suddenly, hubby asked me 2 push harder as he saw baby's hair, hehe. 4 the one last time, i pushed as hard as i can & yippee, she came out:) both of us cried while Dr Ang helped 2 stitch etc...i swore this was the only painful exaperience i have in my 22years!!!

princess's name: Gerilyn Ong Tong Xin (汪彤芯)
princess's DOB & time: 050509 & 2.28pm
princess's weight @ birth: 2.5kg

conclusion, Gerilyn's borned in the year of Ox, horoscope is Tauras. well, she got a very bad tempered indeed...
hey mummy, ur girl and my baby girl shares the same birth date and they are born 1 minute apart.... my girl is 1 min earlier..



Have a good care on your confinement.Enjoyed a motherhood.
:wong19:Take more rest.


New Member
Hi there, Congrats! My boy was born 1 day after yr daughter, on 06.05.09 and i totally agree that they have a bad temper since they are born in the year of the Ox & Taurus.