Should I give up?

Missy S

Dear mummies,

I have been exclusively breastfeeding my son since birth till 4 months old. I'm a 100% EBM mother when he is 1 month old. Because he has serious gastric reflux so he has to been tilt in a 60 degrees angle while feeding which I am unable to do with various breastfeeding positions. When his condition slightly improved, I tried many times to latch him on in order to stimulate my supply... However each time he will refused & cried, due to nipple confusion. And, I don't want to force him because I be returning back to work in Dec, so afraid that I would have another difficulty in weaning him off. So, I always expressed out & feed him with my EBM for 4 months. Now, my supply is beginning to deplete & I just started supplementing him with FM. Everytime when I expressed my milk, I will massage & placed warm towel to help stimulate milk flow... But still none of these seems to help increase my supply. Each time, I felt very disappointed with myself that the supply is dropping.

I feel like giving up breastfeeding.... But at the same time, I am angry with myself for having such thoughts because as a mother I should provide the best for my baby....

Can anyone give me some advice? Also any supplements which can help boost supply?

Priya Diva


Have you tried taking fenugreek pills? It can be bought from Naturs's Farm. I took that and it helped to boost supply.
Hope this helps :)
I stop latch on but pump out at 2nd mth cox back to work at 3rd mth.. Milk supply still keep increase even no latch on.. u may try to pump regularly.. drink more water, soup.. n I didn't cut down my diet so far(maybe cut a bit) cox worried will affect supply..

pls do not give up, ur milk is the best for ur baby.. sometime i will feel like to give up as well.. tiring of pumping at office, at night, also at midnight.. but when think of giving my dear daug the best, still keep it on... when u see they growing up healthy u will know everything worth :)


Talking about tired... you bet I felt this way too, especially when we go out and worry of staying out too long, as not convenient to pump la - no nursing area, etc. If pump outside, have to bring extra bag with the ice pack, not forgetting we have to bring bb's stuff - 2 bags already.

I still pump after 10 months, thou supply low... just to maintain the flow. Just hope I can sustain till 1 year...then if still have, then another milestone of 1.5 years.. and so on.

Missy S

Yes, especially tiring when planning for a day outing... need to bring all the pumping equipment out... Sian.

Thanks for all your encouragements :)
I will try my best to continue to provide dear son with the best food.


mummy, be strong ya. i can feel your frustration as i been there, done that. But i am stubborn and thus here i am still breastfeeding my ger now at 10th month. Although my supply started to dip and i need to sup her 1 feed with goat milk but STILL all other feeds are either EBM or latch.

Try to rest well, eat well, drink plenty of fluid(really alot) and have faith in yourself.


New Member

Have you tried taking fenugreek pills? It can be bought from Naturs's Farm. I took that and it helped to boost supply.
Hope this helps :)
I oso that the pills as recommended by the nurses.. no harm trying.Drink more soup will help to boost the supply..Dun give up! I always tell myself, I want to give the best to my bb. Mayb that helps too. :)
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