Super fast Delivery of Qistina


New Member
Dear all,

I've smoothly deliver my girl which was supposed to due nxt week 12 Nov

Never expect to deliver today as just went for my check up yesterday afternoon.

hEre details of my delivery:)
1)woke up from sleep at 3.55am as feel wet ..Realised water bag burst.
2)woke Hubby.take shower. (no contraction pain)
3)reach KK hospital at 4.35am..while register pain came and was push to delivery room.
4)change and was ask to rest while waiting for my Gynea
5)bad contraction start at 4.50am
6)Gynea came at 5.15am , with 3push my girl out:)

her weight was 3.35kg
Dear all,

I've smoothly deliver my girl which was supposed to due nxt week 12 Nov

Never expect to deliver today as just went for my check up yesterday afternoon.

hEre details of my delivery:)
1)woke up from sleep at 3.55am as feel wet ..Realised water bag burst.
2)woke Hubby.take shower. (no contraction pain)
3)reach KK hospital at 4.35am..while register pain came and was push to delivery room.
4)change and was ask to rest while waiting for my Gynea
5)bad contraction start at 4.50am
6)Gynea came at 5.15am , with 3push my girl out:)

her weight was 3.35kg
Congrats:) Very unique name too:)


New Member
6cm when reach hospital and I was only on laughing gas(no epi)Huh the gas make me drowsy but the pain still there.

Congratulations to u too! Yours is even faster than mine. ;)
Hey, I was also on the gas only, it made me drowsy and yup, the pain still there. Had to remove mask now n then so that I was bit more alert to push.