Using a pkt of tissue paper to reserve your seat ?


have u ever use a pkt of tissue paper
to reserve your seat at the hawker centre?!

Hmm..I know it is faster to get their food and finished the lunch sooner,
but then what if some cleaner throw away it, does it mean the seat still remained 'chopped' ar?


have u ever use a pkt of tissue paper
to reserve your seat at the hawker centre?!

Hmm..I know it is faster to get their food and finished the lunch sooner,
but then what if some cleaner throw away it, does it mean the seat still remained 'chopped' ar?

I've never come acrossed that till my office move to tanjong pagar..wasn't used to it at first...

But i think those cleaners are alrdy quite used to such a sight so they won't remove the tissues..

Those who removed the tissues are ppl like myself who is not used to the shenton way lunch crowd style or foreigners.



I do not get it why people do this.

No name is written on the seat except this packet of tissue which lies discrimately telling everyone ... 'this is my seat' :nah:


this onli happens at singapore. wonder who actuali started it hor...
actuali y cant one or two of ur coliqs help buy while one of u sits and wait and says actuali the seats and the tables are already taken by ur coliqs.. WTH use tissue packets???
sometimes during crowded places, we couldnt get a seat because of this tissue packets lor. dono actuali ppl chop oredi or jus someone left their tissues there...!


Active Member
i came across this situation one time & well being new to the place that time, I still don't know that tissue pkts are used to reserve seat. Then I let Alexx sat down so I can buy our food. While I was in a qeue, I saw a woman talking to Alexx so I went back to Alexx to know what is happening. I asked the woman what is the problem? Then she told me she place a pkt of tissue to reserve the seat in a rude manner(sounds like mad). I replied to her..."oh! well then your pkt of tissue doesn't have a "reserved seat" written on it." I'm sorry but I'm not leaving this table. If you want we can share. Then she went away complaining & murmuring.


i dun do that
i dun understand if there's a need to book that table as using a pkt of tiisue paper

if happen nt place to sit right i will wait or at most go for another restuarant or place where there's seats available ...

KS attitude


Well-Known Member
Most places nowadays the ladies use tis kind of method to chop their seats de. It happen way back a few yrs time when i am still working aso like tt BUT i myself dun do tt coz i find it abit stopid. :001_302:


i use tis mtd everyday during lunch time but not during wkends
Imagine if u hv only 1 hr lunch, and u lunch wif a coleag, if u dun use tis trick, and sit on the table to wait for your coleag to come back wif her food which may take up 15 mins in crowded places, how much time u'll left wif to buy ur food & eat.

1 hr lunch time does not incld your time taken to walk to & fro office to food court.

The cleaners knw the "rule" however there was once my tissue was missing when i returned. I chk wif the cleaner she said she is new and is unaware of tis "rule" :tlaugh:


But hor...... anyone who work in tanjong pargar/shenton way area will know this situation/trend...
As long as u dont bring this attitude to ur own neighbourhood hawker can liao... :)

I am used to his tissue and umbrella thingy after workign here for 11yrs...

Maybe I shd start following this trend... heeheehee......

BTW, I am new here... :hi:


Tis is very common in the tanjong pagar/ raffles plc area... Sumtimes u don noe how many seats they reserving for 1 pkt of tissue ar?

The reason they put tissue is bcoz wen their pkt of tissue is lost, it ok, very cheap. Not every1 bring out umbrella, den if put bag, scared get stolen away.

For me, 1 pax will remain behind n chop seats, den for those who go n order food, they leave their tissue pkt behind to indicate the seats taken, so other ple will not keep asking if the seats available? N the cleaners will not throw away our tissue.

I got saw b4 a cleaner throw away the tissue, another person came along n sit. Den the initial person come back n argue.. i sit at a corner, eating n enjoying the 'show'.. haha..


why of all things a tissue packet.

and whose smart idea?

this is like the unknown rule of sgpore. its not written anywhere. but everyone knows bout this...


Active Member
Alamak. You ladies only see tissue paper har??

I came across a middle-aged "educated" working "aunty" lady who placed a name card on the table. I was alone that time and I didnt know and thought someone could have meant to throw away.

When she came with her food, she gave me a furious look and told me :"dont you know this table is been reserved??" I said :"no" then followed by "do u mean this name card is yours?" She replied : "Aber then" fiercely. So I walked away.

I was just telling my friends this is the new trick to chop for a seat. Ladies, get ur name cards ready !! :001_302:

BTW, I am new here too :001_302:


Alamak. You ladies only see tissue paper har??

I came across a middle-aged "educated" working "aunty" lady who placed a name card on the table. I was alone that time and I didnt know and thought someone could have meant to throw away.

When she came with her food, she gave me a furious look and told me :"dont you know this table is been reserved??" I said :"no" then followed by "do u mean this name card is yours?" She replied : "Aber then" fiercely. So I walked away.

I was just telling my friends this is the new trick to chop for a seat. Ladies, get ur name cards ready !! :001_302:

BTW, I am new here too :001_302:

Wow ...:elvis:
No one dare to say " the table is not yours "
else she will say "i hv my name on it" :tlaugh:

So far never come across leh .....


i dun need to do that during lunch in my working life becoz always go with min 2 person. If alone, rather pack n go...


I hv heard abt this unspoken "rule". When I went on a few days course at Tanjong Pagar recently and visited the Amoy Street hawker centre, my colleagues and I were shocked there's so many packets of tissue paper lying around on tables. Some use umbrellas, bunch of keys etc... My colleagues and I however took turns to go buy food while one of us remained at our table. To me, tissue papers can hv their "seat" on the table, dont expect people to know it's meant for humans. If the seats are meant for humans, then get a human to stay seated at the table. :confused:


Alpha Male
i use tis mtd everyday during lunch time but not during wkends
Imagine if u hv only 1 hr lunch, and u lunch wif a coleag, if u dun use tis trick, and sit on the table to wait for your coleag to come back wif her food which may take up 15 mins in crowded places, how much time u'll left wif to buy ur food & eat.

1 hr lunch time does not incld your time taken to walk to & fro office to food court.

The cleaners knw the "rule" however there was once my tissue was missing when i returned. I chk wif the cleaner she said she is new and is unaware of tis "rule" :tlaugh:
I think she must have collected many packets of tissue papaers, selling them at a good price. :tlaugh:


Alpha Male
But hor...... anyone who work in tanjong pargar/shenton way area will know this situation/trend...
As long as u dont bring this attitude to ur own neighbourhood hawker can liao... :)

I am used to his tissue and umbrella thingy after workign here for 11yrs...

Maybe I shd start following this trend... heeheehee......

BTW, I am new here... :hi:

Next time if i go these places makan, no need for me to bring tissue papers.. there r plently ard for me to use. :tlaugh:

Just wondering will the person scold me for using his/her tissue paper??