When did your toddler start to walk?


Ok I know every baby develops at their own pace... but I'm soo looking forward to my little girl taking her first independent steps!
She's just turned 12 months. She stands well with support and can walk a few steps with us holding onto her hands.
At this stage she's in, how long more do you think she'll need to start standing and walking on her own? :Dancing_tongue:

Mummy to Baby V

Well-Known Member
Probably a few more months.
Give her lotsa opportunity to cruise and try walking on her own.
It's ok to fall a little, keep encouraging her.

My boy loved pushing his push-toy when learning to walk. It did help him.

Have fun. :)


Mine start to walk without support at 13.5 month.

Be sure to Chase after them is a tiring job .


Thanks for your replies! Wow seems like a lot of your babies started walking really young! Seems like mine is more likely to start late... She doesn't really have a lot of strength in her legs yet... I'll have to do more practicing with her. hehe! :Dancing_tongue:


my girl keeps pushing the chair ard the house. when she hit the wall, she even knows how to "gosstan".. so funny haha


Active Member
my girl only start walking on her 14th month..

my friend's daughter is 16months now, but still not walking yet..


My son has been cruising for a few months already. He pushes furniture, push toys all day but when I hold his hands to walk, he's reluctant & would either bend his knees to go down or ask me to carry. He crawls really well. I heard that good crawlers tend to start walking slower, is it true? How to encourage him to walk on his own?


My son has been cruising for a few months already. He pushes furniture, push toys all day but when I hold his hands to walk, he's reluctant & would either bend his knees to go down or ask me to carry. He crawls really well. I heard that good crawlers tend to start walking slower, is it true? How to encourage him to walk on his own?
am wondering too. girl can crawl real fast now.. she can only stand a few seconds.
cant wait to see her first few steps :):Dancing_tongue:


Active Member
my son started walking at 16mths. now he is 19mths, already running around the house & is so tiring chasing after him!


My ger started cursing ard 10 mth + 2 weeks before her 13th month, she started to walk. Nw 13 mth n 3 days she is cursing ard the hse already though still a bit unstable


Well-Known Member
My son has been cruising for a few months already. He pushes furniture, push toys all day but when I hold his hands to walk, he's reluctant & would either bend his knees to go down or ask me to carry. He crawls really well. I heard that good crawlers tend to start walking slower, is it true? How to encourage him to walk on his own?
ur son is still young, let him take his time. i rmb when ds just hit 1yo, he was only cruising ard too, and of cos, crawling very fast like what ur son is doing now. but he started to walk w/o support at 14mth. we didnt 'train' him or anything, just let him be cos we believe he will walk when he is ready. =)


My ger started cursing ard 10 mth + 2 weeks before her 13th month, she started to walk. Nw 13 mth n 3 days she is cursing ard the hse already though still a bit unstable
Please don't mind me, it's 'cruising' not 'cursing'. 'Cursing' means to speak vulgarity.