When does ur baby turn head down?

Hello everyone,

Just went for checkup yesterday and at 30 weeks my little one still not head down yet.

Heard most babies already turn head down at 28 weeks, any mummies have any experience to share?



head down at 28 weeks? i dont think mine was. anyway head down doesnt mean engage and can turn anytime. my check up at 32wks show that head is down though.


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

Just went for checkup yesterday and at 30 weeks my little one still not head down yet.

Heard most babies already turn head down at 28 weeks, any mummies have any experience to share?


mine is abt 26 weeks baby start turn.... maybe u just relax & wait a while...cause every baby is diff... try talk to ur baby....


New Member
im now 32weeks.
and my girl's head is down now.
engaged or not i not sure.
but from what i heard, when engage, you can "feel" the baby dropping to the below area.

my current feeling,
- can feel the legs is on top cos of the kicking.
- can feel something over my "triangle area" (below part), when i touch.
Thanks everyone, i am talking to my baby every night before i sleep now, hopefully my baby will turn down soon before space gets smaller. :)



Hmm i remember she was not down by 34 weeks was so afriad i need to go through c-sect that time but by 36 week she is down but not sure whether is she engaged or not ..


New Member
I'm in 35 weeks now, baby head has turn down but not engage yet during last check up 2 weeks ago. These 2 days had been feeling a ticklish feeling on my virgina area and some times will feel like want to pass motion. like got pressure pressing on the areaa. Not sure is it baby engage. will be going for my next check up tmr.


Well-Known Member
I m not 39 weeks already but baby head not engage yet... i hope this fri will engage.. cause i going induce on fri...


Well-Known Member
hmm went for the check up ytd, baby has turned down, but not sure engagged yet. She only turned this week, because I had gone for another scan a week ago, and she has not turned then. So don't worry.
hmm went for the check up ytd, baby has turned down, but not sure engagged yet. She only turned this week, because I had gone for another scan a week ago, and she has not turned then. So dont't worry.
Thanks Renzie mummy,

I hope my baby will guai guai turn soon. My next checkup is next Sat.


Well-Known Member

Don't worry dear, some only turn later on like 33- 34 weeks. So don't worry and think too much. You can always try talking to your baby and ask him/her to be good and turn down. =p.


New Member
Hello everyone,

Just went for checkup yesterday and at 30 weeks my little one still not head down yet.

Heard most babies already turn head down at 28 weeks, any mummies have any experience to share?

my baby head turn down whe n i went for 28 weeks checkup. but when i went for 39wks checkup, she was not even engaged yet! but i gave birth on the nite of the checkup day.


during my last appointment at week 27.. gynae said my boy has turned his head down.. but that is NOT fixed yet.. he still has plenty rooms for turning n playing.. so i tink shld b ok n normal.. if really in doubts.. always check w/ ur gynae first
currently 34weeks, went for check up js now, bb head not turn yet as well... gynea said normally after 2 weeks time the chances of bb turning down will getting lesser..... have to talk more to bb oredy....
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Mine also now at 33weeks yet baby head hasn't turned down. She's lying side position and facing to my right womb.

Hopefully, her had will turn down in 3weeks time appointment. Otherwise, I got to go for C-sec. :( I am kinda scared.


New Member
Mine also now at 33weeks yet baby head hasn't turned down. She's lying side position and facing to my right womb.

Hopefully, her had will turn down in 3weeks time appointment. Otherwise, I got to go for C-sec. :( I am kinda scared.
I was worried about mine too. my baby was at the correct position initially but breech at abt 30th week. But she finally turned down at 36 weeks after doing much talking to her everyday. I also had been practising the bottom-in-the-air-head-down-on-the-pillow position. try it out for about 15 to 20 minutes a day.