Words Abreviations


Active Member
For those who are not familiar with shortcut words, below are the ff. abreviations we often use.

SAHM = Stay at home mom
SAHD = Stay at home dad
MIL = Mother in Law
FIL = Father in Law
DIL = Daughter in law
SIL = Son in Law or Sister in law
IL = In laws
DD = Dear daughter
DS = Dear Son
DH = Dear Hubby
ML = Make Love
TTC = Trying To Conceive
AF = menses
JMHO = Just My Humble Opinion

Pls. add more as i can't remember some of it anymore.



New Member
AI - Assisted or Artificial Insemination

AP - Attachment Parenting

BTW - by the way

EP - Ectopic Pregnancy

FYI - for your information

IVF - In Vitro Fertilisation

IUD - Intra Uterine Device

LOL - laughing out loud

TIA - thanks in advance

WAHM - work at home mum

WOHM - work off home mum

TYVM - thank you very much

ATM - at the moment

HTH - hope to help

JM2C - just my 2 cents

Agnes Josephine

Active Member
BFP - Big Fat Positive (pregnancy testkit result)

BFN - Big Fat Negative

BIL - Brother in law

DW - Dear Wife

FTWM - Full Time Working Mum

FTWD - Full Time Working Dad

BF - Breast feeding

BM - Breast milk
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CC Childcare
MC miscarriage
D&C - Dilation & Curette
EBM - expressed breastmilk


New Member

More of such abbreviations;

121 One-to-one
AFK Away from keyboard
AKA Also Know as
B4 Before
AKA As soon as possible
BRB Be right back
BTW By the way
IDK I don't know
P2P Person-to-Person
Thx Thanks
Plz Please
K Ok
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