
Any mummy giving ur 1 mth plus bb slp Yao LAN? My bb keep wanting to carry and pat. Tis is making mi very tired. Really very stress when bb keeps crying? Any advice???


When I brought my girl back to visit my mother, she will be put into a yaolan. At home, I never install yaolan so my girl will sleep on the bed or cot. She is flexible.

For a 1 month old, I am sure you can still teach your baby good sleeping habit. Try to turn her side way and pat her but once she falls asleep, stop patting her. There is one kind of sleeping bag that looks like a wrap around. You might consider using that as it could create a sense of security - your baby might be thinking that you are carrying her.


my baby slept in yao lan but he rejects it when hes about 5 months old. We packed it away already.
I only intro yao lan to my son when he was 3mth plus before i went back to work as my in laws were complaining is difficult to coax him to zzz. I read that it may not be a good idea to put baby in yao lan so early as if you are not careful with the strength of motion, may damage the baby's brain. but then I had no choice and i dragged till the very last min when I had no choice then i put.

but seriously, my son slept very well in yao lan. he could sleep hours even when he became a toddler. He suddenly din want to sleep in it when he was about 2 yr plus. think the yao lan became too small for him
I intro dd when she was 2mth because she just don't wanna sleep even though it's after midnight. Mum told me some babies need to use yaolan to coax them so I just bought it that very night. True enough, she managed to sleep before midnight. She's currently in her 3mth and found that she sleeps lesser in yaolan.