You need to take care of your skin too


New Member
Dear mummies,

Do you have sensitive, dry skin or normal skin? You sure will find a product that can fit your skin type.
At Japan Skin, we focus on Japanese skin care and cosmetics, bringing you the best from Japan.
Try Nameraka Honpo skin care, made with soybean Isoflavone that resembles to female estrogen and is said to be good to female skin.
Or try Kamiya silkworm cocoon and lotion, which contained sericin that acts as a thin layer over the face, effectively sealing in moisture to keep your skin hydrated.
Other products worth trying are the facial mask sheet from Mitomo that offers a wide choices between active ingredients such as EGF, arbutin, Q10, collagen...

Last but not least, we offer FREE delivery within Singapore.

Hope to see you soon.



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