8 Surprising Uses for Eggshells


Right after you had fun with your poached egg, or prolly, eggs Benedict, before you throw their shells in the bin, see this awesome list and discover the other ways to make use of them.

1.Get crafty.
Blow out the inside of a raw egg and decorate the hollow shell so you can display a DIY piece of art. Pieces of egg shell are also great for mosaic art projects.

2. Don’t forget the membrane.
The super-thin membrane inside the eggshell has long been used as a home remedy for everyday ailments, like protecting cuts and treating ingrown toenails.

3. Start seedlings.
Fill eggshell halves with potting soil to prep seedlings for the garden. Try starting a dozen tomato seedlings in carton on your windowsill before transplanting them to the garden in the spring.

4. Put on a mask.
Pulverize dried egg shells with a mortar and pestle, and combine the powder with an egg white to use as a skin-tightening face mask. Allow it to dry before rinsing it off.

5. Mold Jell-O or chocolate.
Carefully fill blown out eggshells with jello or chocolate to make unique egg-shaped treats. Peel away the shell mold before serving, or serve as is and let your guests discover the surprise inside.

6. Clean your house.
Shake crushed eggshells and a little soapy water into hard-to-clean items like thermoses and vases. Crushed eggshells can also be used as a nontoxic abrasive on pots and pans.

7. Include them when you make coffee.
Add an eggshell to coffee grounds in the filter, and your morning cup will taste less bitter. Afterward, toss the filter, grounds, and shells into your compost bin.

8. Control pests in your garden.
Scatter crushed shells around your plants and flowers to help deter plant-eating slugs, snails, and cutworms without using pesticides. Plus, deer hate the smell of eggs, so the shells also help keep Bambi away from your begonias.

This article originally appeared on Goodhousekeeping and written by Jeff yeager.