ladies, have u ever wondered...


i got sayang fact, i sayang abt 2-3 preggie frds leh...i oso carry other babies too !!!!!!!!!!!

BUT BO LUCK LEH !!!!!!!!!!!!


i guess, its all fated de yaa...timing not ripe yet....hehehehee
dun worry!! Jia you!!

i spread some baby dust to you.....

'Mi ni Ma ni Mi ni HOM!' u will get a baby soon~!! :Dancing_tongue:
your post reminds me of my mum and granny's old remarks. My mum always tell me those who are legally married, trying hard for a baby will need to put in extra extra effort. Those who least expected it will have "accidents" most of the time. Those teenagers dont have to worry about supporting a family, so carefree and so thrilled to "buy" TOTO.... they are full of energy and positivity, of course they are young and healthy, no wonder will strike lah!!!!!!!!!!!!


your post reminds me of my mum and granny's old remarks. My mum always tell me those who are legally married, trying hard for a baby will need to put in extra extra effort. Those who least expected it will have "accidents" most of the time. Those teenagers dont have to worry about supporting a family, so carefree and so thrilled to "buy" TOTO.... they are full of energy and positivity, of course they are young and healthy, no wonder will strike lah!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quite true, I aso give up after 3 cycle of clomid..and also my hubby bz with studies work reservist and superband, so nv think of having a baby and let nature let it course, then months I did not calculate my ovulation and we are not tat active, but I still got pregnant...Think stress is the cause.


the more u wan the more u wun get it.. the more u dun wan and there you go kena strike! like me!! =(

so why not try thinking.. i dun wan a kid now... dun wan and dun think... maybe u'll get it!
Hmmm... But this way of thinking might be a bit risky, as in what if your mind & body attune itself to that negative thought? Then die liao.
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when i had 2 kids last time i so scare i will get no.3...
i was on contraceptive for 1 yr den i stop... practice withdrawal for another yr and i swear we never fire in the hole once since i had my 2nd baby...
But still i strike!! i guess my DH do misfired sometimes... but then... haiz....
Wah! So lucky you!!! Can gimme some of your baby luck or not? Please~~~~~~


dun worry!! Jia you!!

i spread some baby dust to you.....

'Mi ni Ma ni Mi ni HOM!' u will get a baby soon~!! :Dancing_tongue:
Hey wenz! Point your magic wand here please. And please say that phrase an extra time for me. Thanks. LOL!!!


Wah! So lucky you!!! Can gimme some of your baby luck or not? Please~~~~~~
ok Jal... here you go...

"Mi ni Ma ni Mi ni HOM!" you will get a baby soon~~ :Dancing_tongue:

Jia You Jia You!! and rem... dun stress...


hopefully my baby dust is powerful enuff...

i got 2 other frens now also preg + ME... another 2 just given birth last month... 1 of my hubby's fren wife also just got preggy....

haha hope can bring u all luck~~


Well-Known Member
hehehe...i do tell myself to tink positively too.....but hor, i scare i end up giving myself false hope leh.....LOL~

aiyo...abit hard loh.....
tink negatively = make myself stress + worried + unhappy
tink positively = gif myself false hope then get MORE disappointed when AF comes.....
agree lo.. last time while ttc, my AF come den both hubby and my face whole day sian sian de machiam ppl owe us money lik tt.. LOL


ya.. and the funnie thing is.. when 1st get married.. wanna do "planning" cos wanna enjoy 2 persons life first.. :) my fren used to tell me... don't plan.. just go and try.. but that time wedding, reno and honeymoon spent so much and always not enuff $$ to spend.. don't dare to "just go and try"... but when ready liao... then................ hmm.. :(

i spent my 1st 3 freedom yrs happily with my hubby - happy to just pack and go holiday.. easy.. then seeing my fren already tied down with 2-3 kids... but then when i'm ready.. tried the next 3 yrs ttc.. in between 1 m/c... then ttc again.. happy that now i finally received some baby dust... just hope everything will be fine and smooth and bb will be healthy.


Well-Known Member
Wah! So lucky you!!! Can gimme some of your baby luck or not? Please~~~~~~
i heard tt hor if u go sayang preg ladies' tummy, will preg leh... but of cos must ML la! dunno hw true it is... i got preg twice,both time b4 tt got touch my fren's tummy lo.. dunno izzit really true or just coincidental.. LOL..


i heard tt hor if u go sayang preg ladies' tummy, will preg leh... but of cos must ML la! dunno hw true it is... i got preg twice,both time b4 tt got touch my fren's tummy lo.. dunno izzit really true or just coincidental.. LOL..
quite true lo... cos one of my fren preggy... den my another fren trying for baby for quite awhile but due to some prob she is undergoing laser and cannot have baby yet.. when she is fine she also cannot conceive then she go touch my fren's tummy... found out she was 11weeks preggy 1 month later~~ hmmm... but this one depends also la... not everyone so heng...


Well-Known Member
quite true lo... cos one of my fren preggy... den my another fren trying for baby for quite awhile but due to some prob she is undergoing laser and cannot have baby yet.. when she is fine she also cannot conceive then she go touch my fren's tummy... found out she was 11weeks preggy 1 month later~~ hmmm... but this one depends also la... not everyone so heng...
ya most impt is must ask hubby to aim properly... LOL...


ya most impt is must ask hubby to aim properly... LOL...
aim properly and be active... lolz...

when i wanted to have my no.2 me and hubby :we2Randy-git:at least 4times a weeks... dun care afternoon or nite... sometimes is 1,2,3,4 days in a row.. sometime will skip a day...
then i got preggy within 2months! lolz... crazy lo...:elvis:


Well-Known Member
aim properly and be active... lolz...

when i wanted to have my no.2 me and hubby :we2Randy-git:at least 4times a weeks... dun care afternoon or nite... sometimes is 1,2,3,4 days in a row.. sometime will skip a day...
then i got preggy within 2months! lolz... crazy lo...:elvis:
SO HARDWKING!!! LOL.... hw good if God cn be fair... those who wants bb, give them... those who dun want, dun gif 1st... LOL


SO HARDWKING!!! LOL.... hw good if God cn be fair... those who wants bb, give them... those who dun want, dun gif 1st... LOL
RIGHT!!! its so unfair to those mummy who wants to have a baby badly and on the otherhand we have mummies aborting their babies cos they are not prepared or too young to keep!!

Its such a waste of life!


Well-Known Member
ya.. and the funnie thing is.. when 1st get married.. wanna do "planning" cos wanna enjoy 2 persons life first.. :) my fren used to tell me... don't plan.. just go and try.. but that time wedding, reno and honeymoon spent so much and always not enuff $$ to spend.. don't dare to "just go and try"... but when ready liao... then................ hmm.. :(

i spent my 1st 3 freedom yrs happily with my hubby - happy to just pack and go holiday.. easy.. then seeing my fren already tied down with 2-3 kids... but then when i'm ready.. tried the next 3 yrs ttc.. in between 1 m/c... then ttc again.. happy that now i finally received some baby dust... just hope everything will be fine and smooth and bb will be healthy.

wow..gratz gratz:shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
quite true lo... cos one of my fren preggy... den my another fren trying for baby for quite awhile but due to some prob she is undergoing laser and cannot have baby yet.. when she is fine she also cannot conceive then she go touch my fren's tummy... found out she was 11weeks preggy 1 month later~~ hmmm... but this one depends also la... not everyone so heng...
not true for me.......

i touch 2-3 preggie frd's tummy le....oso carry their darlings + my bro's baby....still no luck~

sad sadz


Well-Known Member
aim properly and be active... lolz...

when i wanted to have my no.2 me and hubby :we2Randy-git:at least 4times a weeks... dun care afternoon or nite... sometimes is 1,2,3,4 days in a row.. sometime will skip a day...
then i got preggy within 2months! lolz... crazy lo...:elvis:
wow....u try so many times a day ????

i only try once evy alternate days during the "golden timing".....

then after ovulation, we try for pleasant yaaa.....