young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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oh yaa.. u tanye psl nk bwk ank pegi mane over the weekends..?
hmm.. as for me.. klau ade rezeki lebih cket.. we'll go to Jurong Bird Park ke.. zoo ke.. den klau tkde $$ pon.. we'll still go out.. pegi Farm.. like veg farm ke.. fish farm ke.. kan free.. hehehe... at least we still go out n take a breather..


Active Member
Aftanoon ladeies...

Su,you tanye penat ke tak nk handle keje ngan umah...?? Mesti penat... dulu before i became hsewife.. i was a full time working mum for up till son 6 mths.. then lepas tu ade cock up ngan babysitter.. so i had no choice but to quit job and stay at hm... smp skrg.. and routine last tym was.. pagi at 5am da bgn.. siap2 nk gi antar anak i and off to work.. so i'll b the 1st person to go out at 6am.. naik bus from hougang to amk.. then jln kaki from umah babysitter to amk stn.. naik train gi boon lay int.. naik bus gi keje.. i will roughly reach work place almost 8am.. kadang2 smp lmbt.. depends on how fast i walk.. can you imagine how i carry son to take the crowded bus every morning..?? hmmm.. e2 pengorbanan i dulu..
Wow!!!!! Tats amazing.. kalau i.. tak larat sey i. Bangun siang, i got no probs but the walking part tu... fikir 2 kali. Hehehe...

Oh ladies... kalau ada facebook, can add me. Search Sunita Said.

Zoo n bird park i dah gi... maybe when she's older then i bwk lagi. Farm ehh?? Ok jugak.. see if this weekend tak panas sgt.

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
I pun sama mcm you... time i nak beli rumah, i tak tahu apa2 langsung!! Hubby i explained... aiyoh... boleh buat gaduh. Hehehe..

Lerrr... tunggu sampai next year to meet up? Hehehe... ok i wait.. hehehe... *semoga kita panjang umur*

I nak tanya you all ehh... every weekends you all bwk your kids out tak? If so, gi mana eh? Me and hubby tak tahu mana nak pegi (for kids ). Most weekends we go holland village or sometimes club street. Once awhile aje we go to the beach.
Insyaallah.. heeheee.. Weekends normali we go vivo city or suntec je.. Zoo or sentosa or ECP ni smua ikut mood driver kita lah.. But most of the time pat vivo.. Kalau kocek tengah koyak, i step sakit lah ckp dgn budak2 mama sick next time we go out hor.. heeheehee.. holland village and club street ada ke benda tuk budak2???

Hey kawan2, kalian smua takde msn ke?? heeheehee.. I pat ofis kadang2 leh sleepy lor.. Lucky ada msn tapi member lak smua step busy lak.. haahaahaa..


Active Member
lis- no wonder u slim.. skrg pun i dh start shedding weight coz hari2 anta my son to my mum's. Dh la dia berat, i kena naik n turun tangga lagi... penat.. from my mum's i jln to d mrt stn n diri all d way. smpi outram pun kena briskwalk to my ofis.. naik hill plak tu.. berpeluh.. haizz... dats y i alik, i totali shagged. tk terlarat lagi..

su- wkends i slalu ajak my son out. dia nye playgroup on wkends. after that i will normally goto my MIL if tk pun i go suntec or orchard. ni pun i tgh tgk when to bring him to WWW... d last time i bwk dia go WWW dia aru 3mths plus. ni i tgh tgk when i can bring him to d zoo or bird park.. d jacob ballas garden pun interesting... if $$ tgh low, den we'll go window shop.. hehehe.. or stakat ajak je anak go playground..


Well-Known Member
i da add u kt FB..
yala.. kt holland v ngan club st ade ape ehk..? tk penah plak aku jejak sane... hmm.. *wondering*..

Mama Ina.. i plak jarang nk pegi town area.. as in suntec.. coz rmai sgt org.. unless i drive la.. or relli depend on our mood.. both hb n me tk suke pegi tempat yg slalu packed.. benci sey.. tk selesa la.. n as for vivo.. da lame i tk gi.. coz i dun find much down der..


Active Member
Kalau kocek tengah koyak, i step sakit ckp dgn budak2 mama sick next time we go out .. heeheehee.. holland village and club street ada ke benda tuk budak2???

Hey kawan2, kalian smua takde msn ke?? heeheehee.. I pat ofis kadang2 sleepy .. Lucky ada msn tapi member lak smua step busy lak.. haahaahaa..
Hahahaha... sakit ehhh?? Itu trick i kena belajar. For now, my girl belum pandai berbual so dia main ikut aje. Kalau tak keluar, watch tv or play with her aje.
Hmm... holland village and club street tempat mak bapak dia hangout. Hehehee... We bring my girl along coz my hubby's staffs suka main2 dgn dia. Sometimes we jumpa hubby's bestfren's family. They have a daughter too. So, the girls play around. They parents chit chat, eat and drink.

Well, i kat rumah pun kadang2 boring giler... nak chat, no one is free.
Can add me at
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Active Member
oooh... i pun tk pernah jejak holland v n club st.. tk tau pun tmpt tu pat ne.. heheheh..

wah lis u bleh drive eh.. i ni nk amik tk amik2 lesen now dh mcm malas.. hehehe.. naik public transport je.. but i hate d new ezlink kad..

oh ya su n bbgerl i dh add u all pat FB. i ada msn but i cant chat at werk so FB lagi bgs at least le chat..

Lis- bsk u bake melting moments la.. if menjadi, ajar i cmne nk use itu piping nye bag.. leceh.. hilang sabor skejap..

enflor & nur-irfan- senyap jek..mana hilang?


Well-Known Member
oooh... i pun tk pernah jejak holland very and club st.. tk tau pun tmpt tu pat ne.. heheheh..

wah lis you bleh drive eh.. i ni nk amik tk amik2 lesen now dear husband mcm malas.. hehehe.. naik public transport je.. but i hate d new ezlink kad..

oh ya su and bbgerl i dear husband add you all pat facebook. i ada msn but i cant chat at werk so facebook lagi bgs at least chat..

Lis- bsk you bake melting moments .. if menjadi, ajar i cmne nk use itu piping nye bag.. leceh.. hilang sabor skejap..

enflor & nur-irfan- senyap jek..mana hilang?
mane nk dpt resipi melting moments..??


Active Member
oooh... i pun tk pernah jejak holland very and club st.. tk tau pun tmpt tu pat ne.. heheheh..

wah lis you bleh drive eh.. i ni nk amik tk amik2 lesen now dear husband mcm malas.. hehehe.. naik public transport je.. but i hate d new ezlink kad..
I hate the new ezlink too. Less than $3 cannot use. I pity org yang takde duit to top up.. abih takleh naik mrt. Got 1 apek so old and dia try masuk mrt, takleh. Then i saw it was $2.98 balance.. kesian. I told him tat he has to top up, he said he has no money to top up. Kesian... i top up kan dia... manalah tahu dia nak gi check up ke.. haizzz... must write to LTA lah...buat petition.


Well-Known Member
ish..smp e2 mcm ka..?? haiz.. naseb aku da jarang travel by public.. haha.. skrg asyik naik cab ajek,tk pon naik kreta.. sbb klau naik bus ngan mrt.. sentiase ajek packed..! sakit hati.. tkde tmpt dudok.. bingit sey..! :(
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Active Member
ish..smp e2 mcm ka..?? haiz.. naseb aku da jarang travel by public.. haha.. skrg asyik naik cab ajek,tk pon naik kreta.. sbb klau naik bus ngan mrt.. sentiase ajek packed..! sakite hati.. tkde tmpt dudok.. bingit sey..! :(
Ya... i pun asik naik cab. More comfortable.


Active Member
lis- nanti i kasi you d recipe.. d ingredients very simple.. tk pakai lotsa stuff..
u juz prepare tepun, nutella, icing sugar... nanti i post d recipe...

su- dats y i hate it... wen i tukar, i ask d makcik werking @ SMRT y if our bal $3 we cant travel. d reason she gave me is that d govt nanti nak enable drivers to be able to use d ezlink to pay ERP so at least $3 den they can pass d ERP... apa sey... wat about normal commuters cm kita... so wasted... mencekik $$$$ org tk hbs2...
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Active Member
ok lis- d recipe..
Chocolate melting moments

350g unsalted butter , softened
80g icing sugar
300g plain flour
50g cornflour
25g cocoa

  1. Heat the oven to 180C/fan 160C/gas 4. Beat together the butter and icing sugar until pale and creamy, then add the vanilla extract and mix well. Sift the flour and cornflour over and mix thoroughly. Add the cocoa. Mix well and add a drop of water if the mixture is too stiff.
  2. Spoon the mixtures into piping bag fitted with star nozzle. Line baking sheets with baking parchment and pipe out walnut-sized biscuits , leaving a little space between each biscuit.
  3. Bake for 15-20 minutes, or until cooked. Remove from the oven and allow to cool on the baking sheet.
  4. Sandwich together the melting moments with nutella.
u try la... i tried it before... sedap...

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member

Best, best, best lah.. Babygerl and Su i dah add u tau pat msn.. mkina98 tu i lah.. Alah, me no facebook lah.. Lum uat lagi cos pat keje kena block tu smua website.. Lucky lah msn ni dorg tak block seh.. Alek nak on computer mcm malas.. Even to update my multiply pun tak kuasa gitu... I kalau alek trus terjun pat katil dulu cos itu lah yg very important to me sangat sangat... haahaahaaa..

Eh pasal Mrt card tu i lum tukar lah.. Saturday bukak tak ofis dorg tuk tukar card? Nak kena bayar tak??
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