2 weeks wait


New Member
good luck yaaa...as long as you never see red....there's HOPE !!!!

I guess i was so impatient.. tested and it came as negative.. sigh..
again and again tired of seing that negative sign.. well.. prob my menses are on the way maybe..
but since i never had such kinda brown discharge jus for 3 days.. i thot i might get some gd news..
i actually have a appt with my gynae this week for my check up.. i told her abt my brown discharge over the phone and she asked me to come down to check..
shd i jus wait to see if some miracle happens or juz go c my gynae..
i still haven take my blood test which was suppose to taken durin menses time as i still don have menses.. so gynae cant tell me anytying wats wrong with my body nor start any medication to help me conceive.. so sians...... =(


Well-Known Member
I guess i was so impatient.. tested and it came as negative.. sigh..
again and again tired of seing that negative sign.. well.. prob my menses are on the way maybe..
but since i never had such kinda brown discharge just for 3 days.. i thot i might get some good news..
i actually have a appt with my gynae this week for my check up.. i told her about my brown discharge over the phone and she asked me to come down to check..
should i just wait to see if some miracle happens or just go c my gynae..
i still have not take my blood test which was suppose to taken durin menses time as i still dont have menses.. so gynae cant tell me anytying wats wrong with my body nor start any medication to help me conceive.. so sians...... =(
oohhh...dun gif up dearie....i know the waiting time seems super LONG....i oso did 2 tests when my AF was 3weeks late (but i dun haf any systoms or anyting) ......all neg....i was really hoping to strike!!!!!! it was my longest AF cycle --53days......i tot got hope leh.....

maybe ur hcg level is not high euff, tats y the preggie test cant detect ??

dun tink too much dearie.......if the gynae can check wad's the problem if u'r not preggie, i tink go for the bloodtest yaaa...at least u know wad's wrong n can rectify it b4 the next cycle starts....

lets all JIA YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :we2Randy-git::we2Randy-git::we2Randy-git:


It could be homone imbalance that causes the delay sometime. For mine case, the male homone is higher so it delay the mense to 57 days (longest cycle).

Doc will advice after they have done the blood test. Good luck!
Hi Imah,

I have the same problem as you. We were planning very hard to have a bb and time after time i see neg results. Last month, I experience the same thing as you. Brown light discharge at times and then light flow then stop for 3 days only but my usual pattern is light flow then very heavy flow starts and last for 7days. I was wondering what is happening inside. So went to see the gynae and told him about the situation, did a scan say womb healthy and did preg test also neg. So he advise me to go do a blood test to see if I am ovulating but I have yet to done it cause I am hoping for miracle for another few months before I think we really have problem conceiving.

My usual period used to be 28 days cycle but not it is unstable, sometimes 28 days, somtimes 31days and even have 33days. So I am asking myself with such cycles how to calculation ovulation. This month, my period is delayed for 3 days (31days already) and like you only experience tender breasts and also tested neg on the kit (i use guardian brand dunno reliable). So now either I wait to see red or keep fingers crossed. So don't worry so much, you are not alone.. take good care and let's work hard together...


New Member
Thanks all dearies..
I feeling much beter.. =)
Prob i will jus go ahead and c my gynae and let her know the prob. e wori is i scared she gimme medicine to induce my menses which i don wan.. but this issue i tink can tok to her and explain..
Lets all keep finger crossed and hope something good will happen. =)

Thks all for being so comforting =)


take as a guide. O is around 12 to 16 days before your mense due.
eg: if urs is 33 days cycle. then your O should be around day 18 to 23..
i find that its may be true ( will confirm again next time) cos i noticed the cervical discharge is like watery and jelly type (which means O soon) from day 19. and was tested positive 2 weeks later. mine is around 39days cycle (not regular, some time is 32, some time is 35).. i hope the cycle will narrow down to within 35 cos read that its adnormal beyond 35days. sigh. :(

O only last for min 12 hours to max 24hours. this is what i read from fertility book. will see whether is it true after my mense is cleared.

meantime dont worry.. i know you will be anxious..me also . now i borrow some books to find out more on fertility in midst of plannign for baby when ready... hope will get more ready for the next one

Hi Imah,

I have the same problem as you. We were planning very hard to have a baby and time after time i see neg results. Last month, I experience the same thing as you. Brown light discharge at times and then light flow then stop for 3 days only but my usual pattern is light flow then very heavy flow starts and last for 7days. I was wondering what is happening inside. So went to see the gynae and told him about the situation, did a scan say womb healthy and did preg test also neg. So he advise me to go do a blood test to see if I am ovulating but I have yet to done it cause I am hoping for miracle for another few months before I think we really have problem conceiving.

My usual period used to be 28 days cycle but not it is unstable, sometimes 28 days, somtimes 31days and even have 33days. So I am asking myself with such cycles how to calculation ovulation. This month, my period is delayed for 3 days (31days already) and like you only experience tender breasts and also tested neg on the kit (i use guardian brand dont know reliable). So now either I wait to see red or keep fingers crossed. So dont't worry so much, you are not alone.. take good care and let's work hard together...
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New Member
My AF arrived loh!! on wed.. sigh
but guess its for the better as my gyane can finally review my case and gimme some medication.. guess the prob is ovulation..

Thanks 26JMC.. mine is beyong 35 guess some prob inside.. hehe

Lets all work together, feast on nutrients and hopefully get some gd news over the next months :D


thats good! my mense cycle took 6 days instead of 7..seems funny... going to start charting two days later...

My AF arrived loh!! on wed.. sigh
but guess its for the better as my gyane can finally review my case and gimme some medication.. guess the prob is ovulation..

Thanks 26JMC.. mine is beyong 35 guess some prob inside.. hehe

Lets all work together, feast on nutrients and hopefully get some good news over the next months :D
Jia you and good luck to all the TTC mommys! *baby dust*

Can buy those ovulation strips to check when you're ovulating? Some mothers order from SGmotherhood forum.... just a suggestion!=)
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Well-Known Member
i'm waiting for my AF to come....my pre-AF systoms all come liaoooo..sighz...it means tat my 2nd IUI fail AGAIN !!!!

super demoralised.....gynae say IUI dun work for me....need IVF liaoooo....

no $....wont b doing it tis yr.....


life sucks!!!!


i'm waiting for my AF to come....my pre-AF systoms all come liaoooo..sighz...it means that my 2nd IUI fail AGAIN !!!!

super demoralised.....gynae say IUI dont work for me....need IVF liaoooo....

no $....wont b doing it tis your.....


life sucks!!!!
dont worry... maybe u strike le also dunno? remember, that the systoms are almost the same... :wink:

good luck!


Well-Known Member
dont worry... maybe you strike also dont know? remember, that the systoms are almost the same... :wink:

good luck!
thanks...i was hoping too....but i know it wont happen.....

my below pain pain yaaa...b4 my AF comes, my below sure pain de.....

doubt tis is 1 of the preggie systom...moreover i dun haf implanation too...been taking my temp, but nv increase at all.......

nvm yaaa...i'm tinking which TCM to go......i've back-up plans already if my 2nd IUI fail.......juz tat its abit hard to accept yaaaaa:embarrassed:


thanks...i was hoping too....but i know it wont happen.....

my below pain pain yaaa...before my AF comes, my below sure pain .....

doubt tis is 1 of the preggie systom...moreover i dont have implanation too...been taking my temp, but never increase at all.......

nvm yaaa...i'm thinking which traditional chinese medicine to go......i've back-up plans already if my 2nd IUI fail.......just that its abit hard to accept yaaaaa:embarrassed:
heehee... me also sure din strike this mth cos i have a big fall... i also been seeing TCM starting from this mth... no results yet...

hope tat u have better luck than me yah...


Well-Known Member
heehee... me also sure did not strike this month cos i have a big fall... i also been seeing traditional chinese medicine starting from this month... no results yet...

hope that you have better luck than me yah...
which TCM did u see ???

u went to see those normal gynae b4 ?? did u tell ur sinseh anyting on ur history or they can "detect" evyting w/o been told????


which traditional chinese medicine did you see ???

you went to see those normal gynae before ?? did you tell your sinseh anyting on your history or they can "detect" evyting w/o been told????
i did went to normal gynae for checkup b4 and detected that i have a cyst. my hubby doesn't want me to do operation or take medication to remove that cos doc say not dangerous and not blocking so still have chance to conceive...

tat's all i know of my condition...

but for a year since last visit of the gynae, i still have no news yet... finally that my hubby agrees to see TCM for our condition, so just went to a TCM who's open on sunday lor which happens to know that eu yan seng at jurong east opens on sunday...

i went to eu yan seng at jurong east branch... i told him my condition and as well as my hubby's... to sad that it wasn't he who detect...

was trying to ask if he's able to detect if my cyst have been smaller but he cant also.. asking me to do ultra sound to check lor...

dunno if he's good anot as i only paid visit twice... but i think he's not tat good bah...

do let me know if ur TCM is good... i was thinking of switching if still no results..



Well-Known Member
i did went to normal gynae for checkup before and detected that i have a cyst. my hubby doesn't want me to do operation or take medication to remove that cos doc say not dangerous and not blocking so still have chance to conceive...

that's all i know of my condition...

but for a year since last visit of the gynae, i still have no news yet... finally that my hubby agrees to see traditional chinese medicine for our condition, so just went to a traditional chinese medicine who's open on sunday which happens to know that eu yan seng at jurong east opens on sunday...

i went to eu yan seng at jurong east branch... i told him my condition and as well as my hubby's... to sad that it wasn't he who detect...

was trying to ask if he's able to detect if my cyst have been smaller but he cant also.. asking me to do ultra sound to check ...

dont know if he's good anot as i only paid visit twice... but i think he's not that good bah...

do let me know if your traditional chinese medicine is good... i was thinking of switching if still no results..

wad is cyst ???? izzi tat ting which only grows bigger de, it wont become smaller de ?????


what is cyst ???? izzi that ting which only grows bigger , it wont become smaller ?????
it's a blood clot which have become a cyst - i think so...

according to another gynae and GP tat cyst will be bigger and smaller on and off... maybe during menses, it will become smaller/bigger and it's normal...

as long as it doesn't have any harm, think can dun remove it...

my colleague's wife have to remove as think her womb is full of these kind of thing... she went for operation and on medication since early last yr but her mense did not came yet when i asked him on last dec...

was abit freck out when heard of this information as think she done her op at KKH.

but maybe it's just a one single case for his wife...

my another colleague's wife got pregnant also when she have a cyst... so it's actually depends on the condition of the cyst..


Well-Known Member
it's a blood clot which have become a cyst - i think so...

according to another gynae and GP that cyst will be bigger and smaller on and off... maybe during menses, it will become smaller/bigger and it's normal...

as long as it doesn't have any harm, think can dont remove it...

my colleague's wife have to remove as think her womb is full of these kind of thing... she went for operation and on medication since early last your but her mense did not came yet when i asked him on last dec...

was abit freck out when heard of this information as think she done her op at Kandang Kerbau Hospital.

but maybe it's just a one single case for his wife...

my another colleague's wife got pregnant also when she have a cyst... so it's actually depends on the condition of the cyst..
ooooh.....i tink as long as the gynae nv say anyting...i tink shd b fine yaaaa...

y my gynae nv tell me if i've or not leh....:err:


i'm waiting for my AF to come....my pre-AF systoms all come liaoooo..sighz...it means that my 2nd IUI fail AGAIN !!!!

super demoralised.....gynae say IUI dont work for me....need IVF liaoooo....

no $....wont b doing it tis your.....


life sucks!!!!

Dun gv up hope until u see red light ok=))