Epidural or no epidural? And why??


Alpha Male
Have Epi is to numb your lower body so that you will not feel the pain during contractions as well as when pushing BB out (for natural). It will set your bill back by a few hundreds $. After Epi, need to take care of ur back else may have backache years later.

Without Epi, can feel the whole process during the labour to giving birth (natural). Save some money on the bill.

That's all I knew. Other mummies can better advise you.


Have Epi is to numb your lower body so that you will not feel the pain during contractions as well as when pushing baby out (for natural). It will set your bill back by a few hundreds $. After Epi, need to take care of your back else may have backache years later.

Without Epi, can feel the whole process during the labour to giving birth (natural). Save some money on the bill.

That's all I knew. Other mummies can better advise you.
Thks for e advise! I'm really concerned about e side effects of epi actually.. And there are people who think that using epi is like a big sin or something! I really can't understand them! I personally think that it's up to e individual.. Anyway if those who use epi really suffer frm side effects in e future, they're e ones who r suffering n not those people who r so against epi right?? haha!

Just a thought on my part though! =)


Active Member
As above, pls advise. Thks Mummies!!
it actually depend on how much pain u can take....
non-epi: spend lesser money, but more pain..
epi: need to pay more money, less pain felt..

for me, i din take epi.. cuz i only felt bout 2 contractions right b4 delivery.. kekeke... den i was alr 4cm dilated when i reach the hospital.. it was only 2-3hrs after i was send to the delivery ward tat i delivered... haha.....


Active Member
Thks for e advise! I'm really concerned about e side effects of epi actually.. And there are people who think that using epi is like a big sin or something! I really can't understand them! I personally think that it's up to e individual.. Anyway if those who use epi really suffer frm side effects in e future, they're e ones who are suffering and not those people who are so against epi right?? haha!

Just a thought on my part though! =)
My aunt use epi fews years back, she suffer backache nows a day when raining.

Not sure is it cause by epi. :err:

For me, my due date is Oct'09 and I choose natural w/o epi (if cannot tahan than take epi) :001_302:


New Member
I've read somewhere saying backache is not the cause of using epidural. It is because your position when u carrying things o sitting down is not the right way. I had 3 kids, all epi so far everytg okay, no serious backache. Maybe age also play apart when u have a backache.


it actually depend on how much pain you can take....
non-epi: spend lesser money, but more pain..
epi: need to pay more money, less pain felt..

for me, i did not take epi.. cuz i only felt bout 2 contractions right before delivery.. kekeke... then i was already 4cm dilated when i reach the hospital.. it was only 2-3hrs after i was send to the delivery ward that i delivered... haha.....
wow! lucky u!! any secret? hahaha


My aunt use epi fews years back, she suffer backache nows a day when raining.

Not sure is it cause by epi. :err:

For me, my due date is Oct'09 and I choose natural w/o epi (if cannot tahan than take epi) :001_302:
yea.. i think most of e mummies do that too.. hehe.. i heard there's another option called pethidine right? will this cause any side effects? n is it effective? does any one hav any idea??


I've read somewhere saying backache is not the cause of using epidural. It is because your position when you carrying things o sitting down is not the right way. I had 3 kids, all epi so far everytg okay, no serious backache. Maybe age also play apart when you have a backache.
really? that's good to know.. but y do docs inform u of e side effects then? *confused*


Active Member
yea.. i think most of e mummies do that too.. hehe.. i heard there's another option called pethidine right? will this cause any side effects? and is it effective? does any one hav any idea??
Huh? What is that ah?

I also First time MTB, so a lot of thing still blur blur....:001_302:


I have seen mummies who delivered without epidural also facing on backaches after few yrs .. i think it also depends on how much rest u have taken after delivery ..
We are not supposed to carry heavy things atleast for 6 mths ..
One more thing what I heard is we are supposed to take calcium pills even after delivery which prevents backaches in future .. any one can clarify? :err:
One of my friend recently told me not to take epidural .. but whats the point if I am suffering from very bad pain during labour .. if i have choice to take epidural i would surely do ...
Women crossing 35 have chances of having backache not necessarily need to take epidural ... :wideeyed:
Its our choice dear.. dont worry too much abt what ppl say ..


Active Member
I think the anaesthetist who administers the epidural is very important. A good one would be able to adjust the dosage such that you dont't feel pain but am still able to push effectively.

For me, I had epi the moment I went into the delivery suite. No regrets. Thank goodness for it!


i think is the gyne duty to inform u of the side effects of epidural!
And when u opt for epidural, it must be administered by another doctor (i cannot remember the actual term for that doctor) and u must sign a consent form!
There are actually 3 forms of pain relief: Laughing gas, pethidine & epidural.
Both laughing gas and pethidine are in package so need not pay extra unlike epidural.

I just gave birth recently and almost gave in to epidural, already sign consent form but my gyne estimated only 2 more hours to delivery, so i decided to endure and manage to did it w/o epidural.

But i did use the laughing gas & Pethidine. The laughing gas is real effective if u inhale it correctly, it will make u dizzy and more relaxed so u will dilate faster.
I only inhale the gas when i feel my contraction at first. But i grew so tired after a few hours that i have no strength to lift the mask up & down, so inhaled it continuously.
With the combined effect of pethidine, i managed to relax and delivered less than 2 hours later!

But the pain especially when u feel BB coming out, is REAL painful!


I have seen mummies who delivered without epidural also facing on backaches after few yrs .. i think it also depends on how much rest you have taken after delivery ..
We are not supposed to carry heavy things atleast for 6 mths ..
One more thing what I heard is we are supposed to take calcium pills even after delivery which prevents backaches in future .. any one can clarify? :err:
One of my friend recently told me not to take epidural .. but whats the point if I am suffering from very bad pain during labour .. if i have choice to take epidural i would surely do ...
Women crossing 35 have chances of having backache not necessarily need to take epidural ... :wideeyed:
Its our choice dear.. dont worry too much about what ppl say ..
yea.. i choose to agree with u on this one.. i'm actually e type who's not easily bothered by what others say or think of me.. i started this thread just to see what other mummies think of epi.. thks for sharing! =)


I think it depend on individuals and situations when deciding to take epidural.
No point torturing yourself if u cannot take the pain!
From what i read on books, if u are on epidural, u cannot feel when BB is coming out, so must listen to nurses, i also don't know how...

I really salute our mothers & grandmothers who used to give birth to so many children in the past w/o any pain relief!


it's also a painkiller but it's injected into your thigh i think.. correct me if im wrong mummies.. heh
Yup yup, pethidine is injected on the thigh.

Heard that epidural is injected to the back, so have to be very still when doc inject otherwise might hurt spine! Some mummies told me that the needle is very big!


I think the anaesthetist who administers the epidural is very important. A good one would be able to adjust the dosage such that you dont't feel pain but am still able to push effectively.

For me, I had epi the moment I went into the delivery suite. No regrets. Thank goodness for it!
gd for u! :Dancing_wub: