When is a good time to test to confirm pregnancy?


Just curious when did all of you do your testing to confirm pregnancy?

For my first ds, I went to the GP for blood test when I missed my menses as I suspected that I am pregnant though I did not have any other symptoms.


Active Member
If your menses is on regular basis like mine, I check after 2 weeks after my mense due date. Usually it is advise to test early morning. But for me no matter what time of day, I check. hehe


Well-Known Member
best if 2wks after ur menses is late n collect MORNING urine to test will b more accurate.:tlaugh:


New Member
Hi there, me new here.. just wanna ask for some advice.. actually me and hubby not planning to TTC yet.. but recently found out that my menses is late for 2 weeks plus le.. hmm.. hope its good news la.. but i dun wanna check liao later disappointed lei.. mine used to be not regular de.. but for the past 3 mths it had been quite regular.. so how ? any advise ? any obvious inidications ? So afraid to see my menses now.. haha..:tlaugh:


Hi there, me new here.. just wanna ask for some advice.. actually me and hubby not planning to TTC yet.. but recently found out that my menses is late for 2 weeks plus le.. hmm.. hope its good news la.. but i dun wanna check liao later disappointed lei.. mine used to be not regular de.. but for the past 3 mths it had been quite regular.. so how ? any advise ? any obvious inidications ? So afraid to see my menses now.. haha..:tlaugh:
If I were u, I would get a pregnacny kit to check since menses already more than two weeks late liao. No matter good news or not, your hubby is there to retrieve the news tgt, my dear. If failed, TTC again laa!! Be positive! :001_302:
Hi loveice,

Should check together with hubby, so you can share your excitment and disappointment(touchwood) with him. I did a test when i was 5 days late and it shows negative, then after 7 days when my menses still not here, i do again, then it shows positive! So you never know. Good luck!


My first pregnancy, I used a test kit to test when my mens was one day late. As for my current pregnancy, if you are 'kan cheong' like me, I tested 1 week before my mens due date & the result showed 'POSITIVE'.
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My first pregnancy, I used a test kit to test when my mens was one day late. As for my current pregnancy, if you are 'kan cheong' like me, I tested 1 week before my mens due date & the result showed 'POSITIVE'.
Wow...congrats for your 2nd pregnancy. I am 4 days late and will wait till next week before I do a HPT, hope for a positive too.


New Member
hey ladies.. i heard many mum-to-be telling me tat during pregnency, is better not to rebond hair, paint toe or hand nails and even dye hair, as it will be harm to the fetus... Have any1 heard b4??


Well-Known Member
Hi there, me new here.. just wanna ask for some advice.. actually me and hubby not planning to TTC yet.. but recently found out that my menses is late for 2 weeks plus le.. hmm.. hope its good news la.. but i dun wanna check liao later disappointed lei.. mine used to be not regular de.. but for the past 3 mths it had been quite regular.. so how ? any advise ? any obvious inidications ? So afraid to see my menses now.. haha..:tlaugh:
it best tt u use a pregnancy kit n all ur worries or doubts will b cleared.


New Member
hey ladies.. i heard many mum-to-be telling me tat during pregnency, is better not to rebond hair, paint toe or hand nails and even dye hair, as it will be harm to the fetus... Have any1 heard b4??
Hi rubymike, during pregnancy it's best not to do any of the above esp dye/rebond/perm cos afterall, they are chemicals & poison which will b absorbed into your body thus it may affect your foetus. Responsible hair salons will not advise u to do as well if they know u r pregnant.

My advice is whatever stuff u r using on your face/body/hair now, please check if the packaging advises u not to use during pregnancy unless adviced by doc. My hair removal cream was 1 such item, thank god I read b4 use cos I wouldn't want my bb to b affected in any way just bcos of my vanity. JMHO. Cheers....


New Member
Just curious when did all of you do your testing to confirm pregnancy?

For my first ds, I went to the GP for blood test when I missed my menses as I suspected that I am pregnant though I did not have any other symptoms.
I got hungry very easily so I tested when my menses was late for 2 days & it turned out positive, I think I have been too kan cheong to test. Immediately, went to my gynae to scan but could not c anything. Had to do another urine test using gynae's kit to confirm, thank god positive. Went back to gynae a wk later wif DH & voila, there was my bb in the scan & my DH was exhilarated cos finally after 6 & half yrs.:Dancing_tongue:

Didn't even tell my DH after I tested positive myself, just went to my gynae alone to confirm b4 I told him cos didn't want to give him false hope.

Queen E

New Member
Hi to all pretties out there.. my first post.. :)
I tested after i missed my period for 2nd week.. still BFN.. and i tested at 3rd week.. still BFN.. My last period is at 17th May.. i read from other forum some took up to 4 months b4 they even realize they are pregnant.. My menses is always regular.. ever since i'm over my puperty stage.. and nv this late...

Going to a gynae coming friday.. hope nothing went wrong with my body... I know must relax.. but can't help tinking deep inside thou i bury myself with work..


Hi to all pretties out there.. my first post.. :)
I tested after i missed my period for 2nd week.. still BFN.. and i tested at 3rd week.. still BFN.. My last period is at 17th May.. i read from other forum some took up to 4 months before they even realize they are pregnant.. My menses is always regular.. ever since i'm over my puperty stage.. and never this late...

Going to a gynae coming friday.. hope nothing went wrong with my body... I know must relax.. but can't help thinking deep inside thou i bury myself with work..
Wow! do update us ur condition ok? =) Take care=)


New Member
Hi to all pretties out there.. my first post.. :)
I tested after i missed my period for 2nd week.. still BFN.. and i tested at 3rd week.. still BFN.. My last period is at 17th May.. i read from other forum some took up to 4 months before they even realize they are pregnant.. My menses is always regular.. ever since i'm over my puperty stage.. and never this late...

Going to a gynae coming friday.. hope nothing went wrong with my body... I know must relax.. but can't help thinking deep inside thou i bury myself with work..
hey gal.. i have the same problem as you! my last period is at 1st jun.. now is still missing in action.. my menses are often irregular.. previously i often hack care.. but because from last mth, me and my hubby starts to have unprotected sex... so i am kinda worried.. i tested on 7th jul.. is -ve. So i really wonder should i test again or go see doc or gynae..

Do keep us update ya.. :)

Queen E

New Member
hey gal.. i have the same problem as you! my last period is at 1st jun.. now is still missing in action.. my menses are often irregular.. previously i often hack care.. but because from last month, me and my hubby starts to have unprotected sex... so i am kinda worried.. i tested on 7th jul.. is -ve. So i really wonder should i test again or go see doc or gynae..

Do keep us update ya.. :)
Wow! do update us your condition ok? =) Take care=)
Keep seeing the BFN make me dont't wanna test again anymore..
dont't want to pin so much hope on it. Been in unprotected sex for like pass 2 yrs? Erm.. just for info.. I'm not married yet.. Me and my SO has been together for 4 yrs plusand already planning to settling down. then now came this situation.. our feeling is 50/50.. LOL! But his parents is also pressuring us to settle down soon.. And mentioning of grandchildren kind of things.. Seriously.. I dont't mind to see a BFP..

Tml definitely will get a blood test done. Hope its not cysts or any other bad thing.. I rather hope its a "singapore" I see in my womb. Hehe..

Xinyi_Reiko - I think just go set a appointment for to find out what really happen inside. It's nerve racking thinking day by day. Good Luck! Keep me update too! And thanks justforgags! Will update! :):shyxxx:
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Dear Ladies,

I am also in the same boat as you guys. My last menses is on the 17th June, usually mine is 28 days cycle but recently has been haywired. Today is day 31 and yet not here and dont have bloated abdomen as usually my abdomen will be hard and bloated and have the feeling of AF coming. This month I only feel very tired and breasts and nipples sore and sometimes feel nasuea and also high body temp around 37deg C. We are hoping for a +ve but keeping fingers crossed cause for the past few months have been disappointed a few times . Let's jia you...
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